new to RA and fatigue | Arthritis Information


 I was diagnosed with  RA 3 months ago. I'm taking methotrexate and predizone. I'm not in alot of pain, mostly just achey, but the last couple of weeks Ive been extremly tired sleeping as much as 12 hrs at a time. 3 or 4 days in a row. is this something that will ease as time goes on with the drugs. or is this just something i have to live with.  thanks

Welcome ATJ3.  I'm sorry you have to be here, but glad you found us. 

Sometimes it takes several months for the MTX to kick in.  It might be too soon to know if it will help with your fatigue.  It was five months before I felt better.  I didn't have fatigue issues, but overall weakness and the MTX (or maybe the Plaquenil?) helped that a great deal.  My sister with RA was so exhausted she couldn't get out of bed but has been doing very well now for many years on Ultram, Prednisone and Plaquenil.  It could be just a matter of finding the right mix of meds for you.  Be patient, post all your questions and we'll help you through this new "adventure" in your life as much as we can. 

Hi and welcome ATJ3, so sorry about the diagnosis.  Once MXT starts to work then some of the fatigue should lift.  For me fatigue was worse than any of the other issues and I understand how you feel.  Now that MXT, Humira, Sulfasal. is working the fatigue has just about disappeared.  I still nap, but I'm 62 years old and naps come with the territory.

Have you seen in any improvement on MXT and what dose are you taking?  Take care and keep us posted on your progress.  Lindy


Welcome to the board.

When I was first diagnosed, I was given Plaquenil.  It took about three months, but it helped my fatigue a lot.  Hang in there!

Hi ATJ3...welcome!Welcome ATJ3, yes that fatigue is like nothing I've ever experienced. Hard to stay awake and hard to do what needs to be done! I'll write more later, strangely my doc doesn't 'understand' what I'm talking about but everyone here does.  Lynda

Take care

Hey ATJ3!  Welcome

I've gotten so much better with all the meds but after taking MTX, I do feel the old 'tired', also 3 weeks into the 4 weeks when I can take the remicade I start feeling fatigued. I drink a lot of caffeine, prob. not great for me, but it helps.

I know this is new to you and it is such a surprise, as we all have discovered different ways this disease affects each one of us! We've figured out diff. ways of coping. (get help when we can, etc.....just let things go....don't make lists like I did, it just frustrates you.

I hope you feel more energetic soon. Lynda

  Its nice to have a place to go where people actually understand what your talking about. I'd like to thank u all for your comments. I have lots more questions but only so much time allowed on the computer since I'm at work and don't have a computer at home. again thanks and I'll talk to  u all later.  AJ

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Hi and welcome to the board.  Sorry you did have to find us, but you will find lots of support and very caring and knowledgeable people here.


Fatigue is real common with RA.  Sometimes you have to ask your doctor for a medication to help with that.  There are days I can sleep forever too.  Hopefully once your meds really kick in, the fatigue will lessen.  If it does not, say something to your doc about it.  Also taking a multi vitamin every day has helped me with fatigue.  Check with your doc to make sure you can take one.


Look forward to hearing more from you!
