Trying to find commonalities | Arthritis Information



My mother has PMR and has been on the predisone treatment for 7 years now and is now experiencing the side effects of the medicine!

I'm trying to find out if there is any link between PMR and drinking milk, does anyone think there is a possible link there?

She is going to Hopkins at the eom to see about getting a pscirpt for methotrexate, but the side effects don't sound too good either!

She's also been smoking, albeit lightly, 5 per day for the last 10yrs and heavier before that!

So do the people on this board also smoke by any chance?

Thanks for sharing any ideas and sorry that you have it too!


Hi Bobk,

I personally have never smoked so that would not be a common factor with me.  I do like milk but have never drank alot of it.  I generally have skim milk with cereal when I happen to eat cereal but that is about it.  How many mg of prednisone is your mom on?  I was told that I at least have to be on prednisone for 6 months and they will take it from there.  I hope and pray I do not have to be on longer.  Does your mom's PMR never let up for?  Several of us are trying to find out what the common factor might be.  Hopefully, if we all keep communicating we will come up with something.  My thoughts are with your mom and I really hope things get better for her.


I've been a smoker for years and it's something I struggle with very hard. I've tried several times with up and down success....and I continue to try to stop.

I have RA and am on MTX & Humira and I've been fighting bronchitis for better part of a month. Knowing that you smoke and are only hurting yourself it such a horrible thing. Please, Please don't smoke if it's not too late for you. My Daddy told me the same things years ago as he was sitting on the porch smoking...but at 16 you aren't believing much Daddy told you; are you? I really think that's one of the things I'd change about my younger years for sure. Never would have started that!!

I'm in the process of trying a new method for me. I'm trying to cut out all my favorite trigger points and cut back slowly without totally denying myself something I get great pleasure from. (I know that sounds stupid; but if I didn't like it so much it wouldn't be so hard would it?)

Anyway; I'm like trying not to smoke in the car anymore. That seemed to be one of the hardest times for me was when I'd leave the office to run an earn I'd always want to smoke. I'm hoping once I eliminate a few of the smoke breaks I'm most hooked on eventually I'll be able to cut them out all together.

Anyway; yes. There are several smokers here. Not many will admit it; but we've got a few brave ones here admitted they do.

5 a day for your mother is pretty good. Maybe she could start just doing 4? I have to believe every little bit counts.

Good Luck.

Seven years with PMR sounds awful. I don't smoke but I do drink about a gallon of skim milk about every 8 days.

Don't usually drink cows milk anymore - over the last year or more use Soy or Rice milk.

dear Bobk, I was diagnosed with PMR dec 6th 2005, I have been drinking about 700mls of milk a day flavoured with 1 tspn of coffee for about 18mths.  Will now restrict or stop some days and see if improvements. I have never smoked and was fairly fit before this, so it was a big shock to not be able to sit or pick up things from the floor and have the pain especially in the mornings. Once on cortisone 15 mgms and decreasing I am going well

