OT Neutral Corner | Arthritis Information


Boy, reading these posts is like watching the gunfight at the OK corral.  Where everyone has draw their respective lines in the sand, drawn their guns and/or weapons of choice and started firing.

Since you all are making corners to go by, how about neutral corner where you can read posts in a detached manner and not get personally involved.

Nay, it won't work and I probably just walked through the middle.

Got my hard hat on

LuAnn :)

(intention: trying to turn to lightheartedness)

I say we run to the end and leave the drama llama in the middle. Someone's bound to shoot it that way!

Oh, sorry, that is just me.  Nevermind...post away.



Be careful, the bitty of the boards will reprimand you for "stirring the pot". 

Oh, sorry, that is just me.  Nevermind...post away.



yeah...I thought your post was funny this morning.

but not everyone did I guess

Guess someone had their panties in a wad?  don't know................

It made me smile....that's all that matters

Phats, you just HAD to draw me into this ...

You were my "partner in crime"

I agree, peeps need to chill OUT.


This is a good idea! Neutral works for me. Lyndaahhh funny...i hear ya though.  being a newbie i read , skimmed most bc its 3am here, and then posted as neutrally and positively as possible!  bc i am just that, neutral!  plus deescalating the drama can help everybody!  i hate to see people fight and bicker bc this seems like such a warm supportive place
LOL Phats
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