RA & Menstruation / Periods | Arthritis Information


Question for the ladies:

Do you girls feel worse the week before your period?  I was diagnosed with RA 3 months ago.  The past 3 months, I always seem to flare and stiffen more the week before my period.  And as soon as my period flows out on the first day, it feels amazingly better. 

I just wanted to see if this was true for anyone else so that I can be prepared for this excrutiating pain I get the week before my period.  Everytime I think I am weaning off the prednisone, I always have to double it right before my period because the pain is unbearable.

The doctor insists that menstruation and RA is totally unrelated and just a coincidence, but the past 3 months have been like this for me.  Anyone else?



Yeah, cindy. But mine lasts even until the every end of mine.

At least now ya know when ya about to begin.

I hope Rosie starts treating you better and leaves Arthur alone while she visits, Cindy! Arthur is tough enough on his own, he doesn't need the encouragement!

I have been getting the deprovera shot (1st shot 2 months ago) i have less spotting ( you spot a long time) but my uterus is swollen but the rest of me isn't.  They switched i guess.

Not sure if i will keep getting the shot, but so far it has helped my arthritis from having 1 horrible week a month, now i just get the same bad daily stuff.

My ra go outta whack when it's that time of the month. The relafan I take helps with the cramps but I ache all over and am a terrible person to be around.


I say we all go get hystorectomies and see if we feel better.

I might check into it next year... when money is a little easier to come by and when people have time to take off work.

Oh what a life it would be to be tampon, pantyliner, and PMS FREE!! [QUOTE=joonie]

I say we all go get hystorectomies and see if we feel better.

I might check into it next year... when money is a little easier to come by and when people have time to take off work.

Oh what a life it would be to be tampon, pantyliner, and PMS FREE!!Yes, I feel worse the week before, but I didn't put two and two together until someone on these boards mentioned she often felt worse the week before her period and I think she was really on to something. There is a pattern.  If it had all been in my head, I would have blamed it on the time of the month to begin with but I didn't have a clue.  I definitely believe there's a connection. Your doctor is all wet.  Yes, i get way worse. And I used to have incredibly easy periods. Now they are terrible. Ugh, I am there right now....Yes, and for me horrible mood swings as well as a worsening of

Sometimes I wish I was born with a y chromosome.

Take care,I have always wanted to be a guy. I mean look at them. They have it easy!

Yep - always worst before a period, and it seems to start settling down again about half way through the period - when the flow lightens a little bit.

(Ugh, this month I was two weeks late - but seemed to have the PMS symptoms starting at the normal time!)


Yep - always worst before a period, and it seems to start settling down again about half way through the period - when the flow lightens a little bit.

(Ugh, this month I was two weeks late - but seemed to have the PMS symptoms starting at the normal time!)


Me too!  I hate it when the period starts late, but the PMS starts early ... it's like having extra pain days ... I keep wishing it would hurry up and flow out.

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