JRA mentioned on "House MD" | Arthritis Information


OK, who else was watching?  I know you're out there.

But either my RA brain was getting confused, or it sounded not a whole lot like JRA to me.  And if it was, and the complications were that severe (umm, the guy's heart is stopping and he's vomiting blood), would just steroids really fix that?

I know, I know....silly TV show.


Please Fox we need some love interest for that poor man!I watched it. The way I saw it they thought the person had jra but it turned out to be something else. I was like you, I heard jra and I said "WHAT!?" Love that show but sometimes they get toooo graphic showing guts and gore. EWWW!

Chris, he already has a love interest...himself!  I just

And Pip, they did JRA in the spring too, but I don't want them to just use that as a passing possibility...I want them to actually have someone with it, someone whose situation will educate those watching, even if only the teensiest, ittiest bit.

Myabe one day they'll do all the AI diseases at once...ya know, someone who has "collected them all".  That's what I'm most afraid of...is collecting more.

When he said JRA last night, I thought "no way, man!" I couldn't even see how they would think it was that.

But I did love how the film crew edited the tape to make him look like he was a man with his heart on his sleeve!


all that aside, "House" is the only show I make absolutely certain to watch.. boy do I love that show..

How did he say no JRA cause of a twitch in his finger? Steriods help but definately don't cure! I was confused, they made it seem like all symptoms disappear with steriods. It didn't seem too accurate...It was a bit off the mark, for those of us who know too much LOL!

My favorite autoimmmune reference was when he was hiding his "secret secret secret stash" in a lupus textbook (the police took his secret stash, and he had finished his secret secret stash). Foreman said, "You hide your drugs in a lupus textbook?" and House said, "It's never lupus."

Pip is right, they mention autoimmune in every episode and also in every episode they mention something that has been ruled out in my daughter, autoimmune or not.

My goal is to have the last 2 12/ years condensed into one episode of House LOL (although our ped described that fantasy as "A Special Two-Hour Event!"; thanks a lot...)ha yeah! I mentioned that a few weeks ago, that is is ALWAYS auto immune or at least they rule it out!
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