Cancer and AI diseases caused by HERV? | Arthritis Information


I was reading an article entitled: A new plague: The epidemic is coming
written by a doctor named Robert Baker, when I came accross this very interesting passage:

It's long been known that many infections can cause cancer – Gardasil, the wart virus vaccine that protects against cervical cancer, is currently in the headlines as the Government has approved its use for girls aged between 12 and 13 – but what is more interesting is another kind of virus, identical in structure to HIV, that may cause both cancer and auto-immunity. These are the human endogenous retroviruses, or Hervs.

A whopping 8 per cent of human genes are made of these viruses. Unlike HIV, they are inherited rather than acquired during life. There is absolutely no doubt that Hervs can cause cancer. It is becoming increasingly clear that they cause other diseases, too, including auto-immune ones.

This is our newest epidemic: a growing list of common diseases that are caused by Hervs. It already includes diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, psoriasis and maybe even schizophrenia. Sadly, because they're hereditary, you can't cure them, but that isn't to say that they won't one day be treatable. Watch this space.

And the article goes on. I sure have never heard of Hervs before, or that there are hereditary viruses that genes are made of. Although I have noted to myself many times that RA has a lot in common with HIV in terms of treatment approach and complexity.

So there you go. Once again infection theory and genetic theory meet at the crossroads.

Very interesting!!

God, more stuff to research!


I read somewhere that you can't have HIV/Aids and RA....

the t cells react different in HIV/AIDs versus RA....

does anyone else remember this article.  Sorry I don't keep articles of interest.



[QUOTE=Gimpy-a-gogo] Sadly, because they're hereditary, you can't cure them, but that isn't to say that they won't one day be treatable.  [/QUOTE]

Actually this was a quote from the article but is it true?  Any and all diseases that are hereditary are never curable?  They can only cure something that you "catch?"


Hey LuAnn!

In Dr. Brown's book he mentioned that people who have AIDS can't get RA and vice versa.  Apparently they have no T-cells and we have them all.  I just wondered if anybody experimented on some mice somewere to see if that's true.

And GoGo - I don't believe that.  So, we might pass something down, but not everybody with an exposure to an infection gets sick.  The environmental and social interactions are huge.  I'm even looking into the mind/body connection.  Maybe that's some connection to the innate/whatever the other immune system is called.


And why is that researcher experimenting on gut permeabilty for Tay Sacks.  That's supposedly genetic.  I bet there is s correlation to severity of the disease.  Like folic acid and mental retardation.  Or some of that Autism research coming out.


Pip, do you mean you don't believe this: "Gimpy-a-gogo wrote:
Sadly, because they're hereditary, you can't cure them, but that isn't to say
that they won't one day be treatable. "...because I didn't write that. It was a
quote from the article.
I believe RA is already curable, because many people have been cured. I just
think they all did it in ways they don't really understand and it's incredibly
hard to cure.Gogo, right after I was dxed I found the developing theory of RA and HIV - not good.  I never posted it because it was too depressing.  justsaynoemore39400.7881944444

GoGo - Sorry, my bad, I knew you were quoting the writer.  Actually, I didn't realize it was Jesse quoting him.



Look what I found in the Sunday paper.

Ask Marilyn®

Published: November 11, 2007
Some bacteria, such as staph, cause disease, but others are beneficial—even vital—to human health. Are there any such beneficial viruses?
Wil Fritz, Olivette, Mo.

No. Bacteria are living one-celled microorganisms. By contrast, viruses aren’t alive in a strict sense: They are the ultimate parasites and cannot replicate without a host. They invade the cells of animals, plants and even bacteria, then either lie dormant or get into the driver’s seat and cause changes that disrupt normal cell functioning, the very essence of disease.
