OT: Project Runway 4 | Arthritis Information


Ok who all is going to watch the 4th season of Project Runway tonight?

I am so HAPPY it is FINALLY here! I LOVE that show.

I watched a few episodes of season 3 last night... yeah laura meant to make Jeffery cry. She just looks like the actual Biotch that she is. No hiding it with her

Please let there be more Project Runway fans on the board other than me! Hubby does not like the show, nor hear my conspiracy theories about cetain contestant!Is it tonight? All the commercials kept saying were, "Check your local listings." I thought Bravo was Bravo.

I love it! If it comes on at ten, I might not make it until the end. I love when they run all the episodes in order on the weekend, and I get caught up. I have fond Christmas present wrapping memories of a few Runway marathons LOL.

Thanks for the heads up, Joonie! I've totally missed out on Survivor and I hope I can do better with this one. I don't know what has changed (but is probably for the best) - I remember keeping up with Survivor, Apprentice, Amazing Race, and American Idol all at once!    Sorry Joonie! I haveheard it is a very good show though! I would watch it but I am hooked on WAY to many other shows. I don't think I have time to add another I've not watched the past seasons, but I have this season's series set to TIVO...I've heard it's pretty good!I think I life to watch all these reality tv shows is because they are all backstabers they talk crap about everyone and I think its funny how people act like that.Saw the beginning, missed the end (Commercials! I fall asleep waiting for the show to come back on!).

Did rally momentarily, and it looked like the girl who Tim said couldn't finish in time was kicked off. What she was working on looked okay, so I guess she just didn't finish?

I thought it would be mismatched sleeve girl or marionette maker (raggedy mermaid tail was not working for me, maybe the finished product on the model looked better?).

I saw something HIDEOUS in the dept. store I worked in today. It was a high end golf line. Men's pants. Wide wale corduroy PATCHED pants. I mean, squares of wide wale corduroy, made into pants. Browns and oranges. Looked like a 70's couch, perhaps. I was walking with a guy who worked there, and when we passed them, I burst out laughing, I couldn't help myself. I apologized - this is a huge store, a big account. But he said don't worry, everybody has burst out laughing when they see those pants, ever since they came in.Suzanne39401.6220601852

Suzanne YIKKS orange and brown that is a nasty combo. 

Some of those designers are weird especially the one who made that blue dress how she was describing the dress at the end OH my I think she is next to go.

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