Magnetic bracelets | Arthritis Information


Don't laugh! Anyone know if these help? My wrists are killing me. I'm ready to try anything.


At least magnetic therapy in non-invasive! Only way to know is to test it out: can't hurt might help. I have read that it is important to get bracelets that are guaranteed to be the field is between 170 and 200 mTesla in strength.

Let us know!>>HERE<< Is a BMJ abstract that, albeit if focused on OA, might be of interest.

FWIW. HappLaker, been there, done that, tried it, and it didn't work for me. My wrist hurt worse because it was heavy and it was moving around. I took it off after an hour or two so maybe if it was worn longer...??? I would try a copper bracelet first. It's more comfortable and it has a longer
(and maybe) better track record.
I tried them, didn't do anything for me.  I heard they don't work for RA but work for other arthritis that has to do with the bone.I'm not laughing, I think it's a good question.  When something has been around so long it makes me wonder if there's some value to it.  It could be totally bogus, but if you THINK it's working and it makes you feel better, that's all you need, right?  It has value for you.I think I still have a whole set of magnets up in the bedroom somewhere, my MIL bought them for me, they were supposed to cure my arthritis. All different sizes and tie on pouches to put them in and strap them on, but I never used them. Like CinDee said they're really heavy, really, really heavy and then I can't have magnets around my insulin pump.I've tried the copper and magnetic bracelets...did nothing for me.

Have you tried wrist splints?  I didn't think they'd work for the pain in my wrists, but I was wrong.  They've really helped when my wrists are either painful or when I have numbness or tingling. 


Okay, sounds like they are not worth bothering with! I do wear splints at night but can't work in them. I wear a fingerless glove with ace wrap on my right hand at work. People keep calling me Michael Jackson. Guess I'll sew on some sequins and go for it!



You said that you would try anything, right? Try upping your prednisone dose, I gaurentee that it will work and it has a great safety record.


Or how about those therma heat wraps? I know they make me feel better!

k don't laugh at ME...I had something and I thought it worked. I don't know if it was magnetic, but it was called a sabona. It was pretty expensive, but very light weight. My wrist is about 5 inches around, so I can't handle much. But I swear it helped. I wore it all through college and up until my wedding in July and I haven't worn it since, and my wrist has been hurting. WHOA JUST made that connection! I think I need to put it back on!


edited-because I think it is copper. 95%sure


I tried magnet pads, bracelets, copper bracelets years ago. I really think they are worthless.

Unfortunately, people with chronic illnesses, or chronic pain or both are perfect targets for the those dreadful members of society with no conscience. These  people will  swear that anything works, take your money with a promise of a lifetime quarantee, and disappear forever.

Granted, some thing may bring relief to a few souls, but if these things worked, wouldn't our doctors have found them?

O.K. I'm done now

I'm so glad that you checked with our friends here, first!

Be well!


When I was little a crazy relative tried to tell my mom I could be cured with copper bracelets. Of course I ended up with one (that did NOT thrill my mom, she thought it was a crock) Mom always told me it would never work, and so I WANTED it to work. I really did. But it didn't do squat for me. *shrugs* Oh well.....

I have been debating about increasing my prednisone. I went down to 6 this week after increasing for a while because things weren't going well. I know if I call my RD she would have me go up again. I just hate to do it. I have never tried the therma wraps - I'll check that out and I guess think about the prednisone.


I don't know if prednisone is really that safe. I have an RA friend in 3D life
who has been using only natural methods and 5mg/day prednisone for 5
years and her bone density has decreased so dramatically she can no longer
use the prednisone. Also, Lorster said she's seen so many bad side effects
from prednisone at the hospital where she works that she will never use it. I
don't want to frighten people and I think it's great for a short term fix when
you really need to get inflammation under control but unless you really have
no other options it's not so great for long term use.
That said, if you feel like you're running out of options and you have tried so
many things why not give AP a look? You know, just glance through The New
Arthritis Breakthrough and see what you think. So many people have
reported success with it, one of them might someday be you!Gimpy-a-gogo39403.6924768519PS....daily high doses of fish oil has really done wonders for my
inflammation, but it took 3 months to kick in.

Yes, I have wondered about AP, but my medical situation seems complex, they still aren't that sure what I have yet. Interestingly I had IV antibiotics and anti-inflammatories a while ago with amazing results. Not sure which thing worked or if it was both. Unfortunately that wore off!


Yes I am one of the pred people that has all the side effects from long term use.  Started on 50mg in 2000, been up and down for 7.5 years now.  These are my problems from it.  I am not trying to scare you but just a warning that you only use it when absolutely nothing else will work.

Glaucoma, osteoporosis resulting in 2 fractures in fourth metatarsal on both feet,  high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity from Cushings syndrome, always hungry, irritable, skin problems, GERD and hair loss.  I think that is all, but that is enough, having said that though, I really did have no choice, I had a new baby and was immobile all over and in agony, it was supposed to tide me over until the other meds kicked in but I have never been able to tolerate any of them long enough to make a difference.  Best of luck, regards Janie. getting back to the magnets, I love them my hubby and i bought a woolen magnetic underlay for our bed 4 years and have reccommended them to heaps of people. now when we go away we take it with us. my DH has ankylosing spondylitis and his back has been much better since we had it. I also have these tiny magnets that are applied directly to a sore spot with a bandaid . they work on me but i know of others who think its a load of croc. There are new heat wraps for your wrists.  They are from Therma-Care and they specifiy Arthritis on it.  I got some to check them out since they have worked when ive gotten them for my back and they actually did help.   Good luck, hope you find some relief


The side effects are exactly why I hate to increase the pred. I have been up and down on it for 2 years now. I used to have low blood pressure, now it is high and I have to take a med for it. I have gained 25-30 lbs even though I try so hard not to eat much. My vision has changed dramatically and I had to get new lenses 2x in 8 months. My face is so round I don't even look the same, and it makes my hair fall out too. I am sorry you have suffered all those side effects. I feel like I have a love/hate relationship with the stuff. It works on all my symptoms. I appreciate the warning, when people start on it and it works, they tend to think all those side effects won't happen to them. At least that's how I thought.



Thanks! I didn't know about the wraps. I will look for them.

