Prednisone Long term? | Arthritis Information


My dr. says I cannot go below 5 mg of prednisone as I develop new problems every time, even if I taper 1 mg a month. So what is 5 mg long term going to do? I know it has increased my blood pressure, caused weight gain, and I think it has affected my vision. Right now I am at 7 and things are barely under control, definitely not good, but I don't want to increase it more. It is looking like this is as good as I am ever going to get.

I am finally becoming resigned to the fact that I am just not going to get any better. Now if I could just figure out how to make my life work like this.


Laker, it WILL get better!! Have faith!

Has your doc mentioned any of the other treatments available? Have you tried Enbrel or Humira or anything? There's also the... um - AP? (did I get that right??) method that folks here swear by. You'd have to get more info from them though as I'm not exactly sure what they use. Hi Laker, I am in the same position, can't get below 10mg daily, have been trying for a couple of years.  I have lots of pred problems but can't live without the stuff.  Best of luck, Janie.  I don't think 5mg will do too much damage as apparently our bodies stop making cortisol and the pred makes it for us.  My rheumy said 7.5 is considered safe but 5mg would be much better.

Hi Laker , I know what you mean by feeling the dropped dose. My RD wants me to stay off unless I am flaring but I can't, it just hurts too much. So I take 5mg a day and hope for the best . When I was on 10mg for 7 months I did look really bloated ( i guess you can call it fatLOL)  But I felt so much better. Give it time and hopefully other meds will take over.


Laker, you sound discouraged but there may still be options you haven't explored yet.  Talk to your doctor about trying a different drug or combo of drugs.

My sister has been on 5 mg. of prednisone with no ill effects for about eight years.  She may have recently gone up in dosage, I'm not sure.  She hasn't gained any weight, I think she'd rather live in misery than gain more than a few pounds, but the Ultram may be the reason she stays slim.  She said it gives her a lot of energy and she's always on the move. 
