OT - The Chat Threads Have Moved | Arthritis Information


To save clutter on the RA board, we have shifted the daily chat threads to the Meetings and Events section. They'll still be as lively as ever, but hopefully now will give the newbies space to post questions in the RA section, and not get lost in the shuffle!!!!

Why does this post show a gazillion replies?  And the numbers jumped on the main page too.


Well, never mind on this one.

The part on the home page is true tho.


I have no idea? sorry?? LoL Well done Katie and anyone else who decided on this, I really appreciate that you took the concern on board,  I really do think it will help the newbies. Thanks again, Janie.XX

LOL Karen, does this make it more work for you? 

Whoever was responsible for the move, I just want to acknowledge and thank you for your consideration of the newbies and others looking for support.  That was a mature, thoughtful thing to do and it will benefit everyone who wants to post RA topics without getting bumped down the line so quickly.  I doubt anyone will mind going over to the other section to chat, so everybody wins.  Well done.


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