Killer Cold | Arthritis Information


I though this was interesting. .ap/index.htmlI just heard about this on the radio.  The fact that there is no treatment, just support, is truly scary.  My RD said that the drugs we take to suppress the immune system are designed to just make it more like normal, not blast it into oblivion.  He said the reason there are warnings about being more prone to infections is to protect the drug companies legally.  They have to cover all the bases and if even one person became more prone to infections during the drug trials, it goes on the warning label.  I sure hope he's right.  I've been on these drugs 6 months now and so far, so good, no colds, illnesses, etc.  I enjoyed perfect health for the last four years, not even a sniffle,  even when my husband was home with horrible colds, and I thought it was just good luck I didn't catch anything, or thought it was because I'm not working anymore and have less stress.  I didn't realize it was because my immune system was overactive, protecting me from the bad stuff.  At least, I think that's what happened.  I'll miss that part of the protection.