My first MTX injection........question | Arthritis Information


So my RD showed me how to do it, but I still have a question.  He said that I should squeeze up the skin I'm going to put the needle in, you know, like between my thumb and fore finger, but after I  put the needle in, do I let go or keep pinching till I'm done with the injection? I hope that makes sense.

Also, how do you actually work up the nerve to stick a needle in your leg? I can see myself taking 5 years to do standing at the edge of an ice cold pool trying make the jump!!

Movin' on up to injectibles, huh? 

Once you insert the needle, let go of the skin.  Did you RD show you other sites?  There are plenty of othe sites to give injections, too.  I always give mine in my stomach.  They don't seem to hurt as much.  Best of luck and someone is always here to answer questions!


PS:  It really isn't as bad as you think.  The needles are small and they don't hurt much.

YAY!!! The injectable is great once you get past the needle. 

I inject in my thigh, too, and it's important to release the "pinch" as the medication goes in.  Otherwise you'll squeeze it out into the layer just under the skin, and it will show a bruise or discoloration, or the mtx will actually leak out on your skin.

Some RDs insist on intramuscular injections, which are the thigh, hip, and upper arm.  Others allow subcutaneous, which can be in the fat of the stomach.

If your doctor says to inject in your thigh, then do so.

I've been injecting for a couple of years now, and it works fine.  Occasionally you'll get a dull needle and feel a tiny prick, but most of the time it's completely painless.

Good Luck!


Thanks you guys.  I already take enbrel, but in the clicky pen.  This MTX injection, well, I'm nervous.

Phats~He said belly or thigh, I'm use to my thigh with the enbrel, and a needle in the belly?  I just don't know about that.

When I turned 18 and got to be the one to make my own medical decisions  I told my doctor not to even think of giving me a shot ever again because it wouldn't be happening.  He wrote in bold letters on my file NO SHOTS.  How ironic that I would end up having to give shots to myself every week.  I'd like to see Alanis put THAT in a song.I've learned to "never say never" because it will always come back and bite you

Celena~ Thanks. Yeah, that saying never thing "never" seems to work out does it?

My RD said the needle for MTX was thinner and sharper and the med never burns.  It's just a head thing really, ya know, seeing the needle and all that is freaking me out a bit.  But really, I probably hurt myself in one way or another everyday more than a shot hurts.  It's just different when you know it's coming.  ANd your inflicting yourself.  On purpose.

Good Luck Link!!! Mtx shots are nooo big deal.  You cant even tell you are injecting them.  You'll do just fine!!!


Thought I'd add that I was advised to move around the injection location, that is don't always use the same exact location. I inject in my belly and alternate sides.  Another MTX belly injection gal I know moves around her belly button in a circle, giving her 4 injection sites -- left, right, above and below her belly button.

Good luck!

I give Enbrel and MTX in my belly.  I just rotate around the belly.  You have to be careful and not get too high tho, it might hurt a bit.  If you are comfortable doing your thigh, then do it there. 

It doesn't matter if you want to change things up a bit because a subq injection, is a subq injection.  It isn't absorbed better one place over the other.  It boils down to comfort of the patient.

And thanks to all for responding.  I'll let y'all know how it goes.

Hope all goes well for you!

Hey Link, run down to the local gym and find a steroid junkie. Ask him how to inject! 

Yeah, anybody have Barry Bonds email??


In the back of my head is this...I still have the pills, I can always chicken out.  What a big baby.

Julez~  That's hilarious

and just a tip on giving it -use a darting motion (just like the game) and if you want to practice your technique before you do it use an orange it really works 

i know its a hard concept to get your mind around but i know you will do fine and get the hang of things!
