Stupid spiders. | Arthritis Information


< =text/>_popupControl(); WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY Do spiders seem to LOVE inhabiting my car?


And I'm sorry, but it's fricking NOVEMBER and it's getting down in the fricking 30s a night, WHY ARE SPIDERS STILL ALIVE!!!! >.<


I was driving along, minding my own business, and WHAMMO, there he was. Him and all his nastiness. Icky-ass legs and all. Running across my freaking windshield. Ya know, I'm only 24. I've only had 2 cars. And yet, I've had 3 times as many damn spiders IN those cars.





Someone, somewhere, is getting a sick thrill out of this. And if I find out who it is, he's gonna pee blood for a week.





Stupid spiders.

I know what you mean about spiders. At least a car you can get out of. The other day I was folding up washing on my bed and this huge ugly spider ran out of the washing and went between my matress and the bed base. He just vanished. well i went mad pulling the bed to peices and using a whole can of fly spray. i had managed to forget about it until i got into bed and my darling hubby (NOT) started singing incy wincy spider. I was not impressed. He thought he was so funny.


We've killed 3 white tails in the last 24 hours!  They are such nasty beasties.  Haven't had any huntsmen so far but its early yet.  The worst thing is being in the car and putting the visor down and having a huntie drop out onto your lap!  that's 4 inches of spider running around your lap!!!!


< =text/>_popupControl(); OMFG PAMMY!!! SHUSH!!!!


I think I'm going to crawl out of my skin!!



Pammy, I googled your spiders. You've actually had one of those huntsman spiders ON you?????  Ever get bitten by one?  Those are scary looking.  Definetly too big to step on. 

I haven't had one ON me  but Mark has.  They are very common we usually get a dozen or so in the house each summer.  Whenever I hear a WHUMP! during the evening I know Mark has just killed another one.  I hate the things.  They aren't poisonous but can give you a nasty bite all the same.   Its the little white tail ones that are more dangerous,  their bites can be very nasty and turn into necrotising fasciitis (flesh eating bacteria) and you can be quite damaged by them.  They like to hide in laundry and bedding so its a good idea to give things a shake before you put things on or get into bed.

OMG Im never going to Australia....I HATE spiders!!!!!

Some spiders are ok.  Like those little dime sized black furry ones? They just live in your curtains and come out at night to hunt.  I like those little guys.  They're cute. < =text/>_popupControl(); Oh eff that. Anything with 8 legs is unnatural.


I refuse to google these "demons" you speak of!!


I swear I thought I was going to have a breakdown while drivnig home. It was SO hard to keep my eyes on the road, I was too worried about that STUPID SPIDER! < =text/>_popupControl(); LMAO!


I don't care! Them little buggars creep me the hell out man!! I can't take it anymore!


Come on - EIGHT legs! Who needs EIGHT legs???

We don't have alot of spiders here, another good reason to live in Alaska, but have been getting bad ones in the fruit that's shipped up from the tropics, Brown Recluse for one. There were a couple of years where the newspaper kept reporting on the poor people who got bit by those. I try to catch the spiders in a glass and put them back outside. I need all the help I can get at the pearly gates.Brown recluse spiders are very nasty.  We have lots of goodies like the Sydney Funnel Web, and Bird Eating Spiders, and Wolf Spiders.  I really have a spider phobia  so I don't know why on earth I moved here to Aus...I have several spiders in my freezer -  I think they are brown recluses.  There is a professor at Monmouth College who is doing a study on brown recluse territory, and he wants people in the Chicago area to send him our spiders. < =text/>_popupControl(); OH MY GOD? IN YOUR FREEZER?!?!!?!? *pukes* [QUOTE=arriscolwell] < =text/>_popupControl(); OH MY GOD? IN YOUR FREEZER?!?!!?!? *pukes*[/QUOTE]

Yep... you're required to freeze them to death so that they don't sneak out of the package and bite the mailman in the @ss as he delivers the packages.


CATCH ONE?!?!? I have a hard enough time getting close enough to SQUISH one. Let alone catch it!!!



Hey Katie I am sure you have seen one of your Kitties eating spiders!!! And you let those little furry things kiss you don't you?

Yes I hate spiders also, have since I was a kid.

Actually..........not my current kitties. Other cats I've had in the past, yes. But these two......well....honestly......they're just too stupid. *sigh* Samus bats at it, and then gets upset when it dies and doesn't "play" anymore. And Domino is afraid of everything short of AIR. So she just runs. LOL arriscolwell39405.0219444444 [QUOTE=arriscolwell]

OMG You're getting a kick out of this aren't you? Brown recluse spiders?  Wow, those can be pretty dangerous.  Be careful catching those suckers.  We don't have anything poisenous at work, well, all spiders are poisenous, but I mean that can hurt you.  Except for the centipede.  He could kill ya. All our snakes are constrictors though. [QUOTE=Linncn]Brown recluse spiders?  Wow, those can be pretty dangerous.  Be careful catching those suckers.  We don't have anything poisenous at work, well, all spiders are poisenous, but I mean that can hurt you.  Except for the centipede.  He could kill ya. All our snakes are constrictors though.[/QUOTE]

Best way (and least toxic/dangerous) to get rid of 'em in the house is with sticky paper traps.  When I go "hunting" I always use large paper cups to trap them, then slide paper underneath to contain them.  I then put the whole thing in a large tupperware bowl, put the lid on, and give them a free night's lodging in the Frigidaire Hotel.When my kids were in 4th grade, they all had to do the dreaded "bug project"  You gotta collect insects all summer long and freeze them.  Then when school is back in you have to take all your bugs and make them doing something, like "day at the beach" or "bug's playing basketball" or "bug Heaven".  It's realy cute, but you have a freezer full of bugs throughout the summer. [QUOTE=Linncn]When my kids were in 4th grade, they all had to do the dreaded "bug project"  You gotta collect insects all summer long and freeze them.  Then when school is back in you have to take all your bugs and make them doing something, like "day at the beach" or "bug's playing basketball" or "bug Heaven".  It's realy cute, but you have a freezer full of bugs throughout the summer.[/QUOTE]

OMG what a great idea for a project!!! I will start saving my empty Rx bottles now, so that we can start freezing bugs in the spring!!!  How cool!!!
It was pretty fun.  It was kind of a disaster when my oldest did it.  He was my first kid in fourth grade and I was not aware it was coming until school started in September.  Their are precious few insects in Michigan in September.  It all worked out in the end. But for my next two kids, we were collecting bugs all summer!