November 18 Chatter | Arthritis Information


7  AM  folks   rise and shine!!!!!!!

Hope you all have a lovely Sunday.   Mine was nice and relaxing,  went to church,  had lunch with SIL and my daughter out at a restaurant.  Hubby vacuumed family room and bedroom.  MIL  and FIL  came over and brought dinner with them.

All in in all,  a very nice day.

I'm going to church then to work then home to do some laundry.  Maybe doesn't sound like a great day, but I think it will be

Hope everyone has a great day!

I am trying to learn to type wearing wrist splints LOL.  But this Occupational Therapist is FANTASTIC.  She has given me an exercise called glides - it loosens up the wrist.  I may have graduated a step further into my disease, but this has been very helpful.  She said they are making good progress with exercises for carpal tunnel.  Hope everyone has a good Sunday and is Thanksgiving already?  Yikes. 


Ok, just checking in for a moment.  Friday night hubby got the flu...probably the worst in years.  By 1am he was passing out, so I was on alert all night.  By 6am(next time he got up) he passed out again and hit his head on the bathtub.  That was the only time I went close to the bathroom.  He ordered me to stay out, but the stentch got to me, so rubber gloves on my hands, and bleach in the one hand and rags in the other...I went to the process of cleaning the mess.  One hour later...spic and span bathroom I was exhausted, and worried.  He stayed in his bedroom all day...he is soooo hoping that I do not get TOO!! 

Today...I am headachy, and joints feel like crap(putting it mildly), but still have work from this stripping the bed, etc.  Trying to get strength and then going to rest through the afternoon!


Interesting day at work.  Someone didn't fasten the python cage and guess who got out?  She's like, 7 ft and solid muscle.  Very heavy.  Found her coiled up on top of the Giant South American Marine Toad container.  Happily, it all worked out in the end.  Snake back inside cage, toad outside snake belly.  Glad my sister was there to help.

Link...glad you found the snake, and the frog is A-ok!

How's things going for you today Shelly? Husband feeling any better?That python probably thought she had landed in heaven, right on top of a frog cage [QUOTE=pammy416]That python probably thought she had landed in heaven, right on top of a frog cage

Link, thanks for asking.  I guess I am ok.  I am exhausted, and feeling like I should work tomorrow, but hoping there is nothing.  I have so much I need to do.  Like gather the rest of my Thanksgiving dinner.  I did 20 mins on the bike and tried to ride as fast as possible.  Hurt like a bugger head, but it is done.  I am going to try to ride short rides about three times a day. 

Hubby...well, he is on his feet sort of today.  He had some rice, and a little meat and some applesauce for dinner.  It has all stayed down, but he has had some clenching pain.  Bless him.  He has promised to stay home if he is not doing so well. 

I kinda hope to stay home with him, but I do need to be teaching some days or our January will be far as money goes. 

Of course...with the pain I have had all day...I am completely frustrated.  I am just praying like a mad-man that I don't get what he had.  I have a sneaky suspicion that it was food poisoning.  The timing fits, and they had some left over food from their Thanksgiving feast at work.  I am hoping!!!!!

 Hey Guys,

   Just a quick hello to everyone right now. I am dead tired on my feet. Please pray for my sister, she has been in the hospital for 11 days with a really scary bacteria in her lungs, called pseudomonas, very resistant and hard to treat. Have been with her and will be going back in the morning. she is doing somewhat better but she is diabetic and sugar is sky high.

Hope to talk to you all yas, Mona.

Hello all,

Mona I hope your sis feels better soon.

SHelly sounds like you had a rough night.

Link snakes are just icky

Thanks Jay, yes it has been a rough weekend.  I am exhausted!  I did manage to get beds washed, and made too.  I hope he is ok.  Gosh, I hate when he is sick.

Mona, I am so sorry about your sister.  I am going to pray for her, and hope she turns the corner this week. 

I still have a few things to get for vegies, and pies.  Oh, and DS did ask for a ham too. 

Mona, take care of yourself!

Jaybird how are you?

I have to work

My brother well okay his wife had their first baby today a little boy, 7lb 12oz. I am realy happy for them he will make a great dad.


Well, that stinks that you will have to work, but that MAN size plate sounds good. 

Congratulations....uncle Jay!!!  What a great size baby...what is his name? 

Thanks Shelly I hope you do not catch hubbys sickness. You surely don't need that!. Have a great Thanksgiving you guys, try to stay well. Ill update when I get back.

Congratulations Uncle Jay!

Take care of you so you do not get ill.

Benjamin Casey


Yep, I am trying to take good care of me.  I know about waiting for the next infusion.  Mine is on 12/12 and it can't come soon enough!  I wish I was at a 2 or3! 

Mona, take care and Iwill remember the family...don't get run down though. 

Bed time folks TTYL