AP people, would you email me? | Arthritis Information


I am ready to try AP. I've been on methotrexate for over a year and it makes me sick, also not very effective. I asked to be switched to injectible mtx and gave myself my first shot yesterday. I have felt sick since and have decided no more. I'm not taking it, or moving up the ladder of meds. I've read a lot of success stories about AP and am ready to give it a try. I have a ton of questions and am a bit overwhelmed by the RBF forum right now. My only problem might be finding a local doctor. Is there a list somewhere? I'm in Orlando, Florida. What if there is no local doctor? If I can find a doctor to give me the meds I need, is that ok? (I have a close friend who is a doctor). Do I need IVs? My email address is Jhenry227@cfl.rr.com or you can PM me here (though I don't always check this board every day). Thanks, jJuliah, I'm anxiously awaiting to hear about your experience with AP.  I have to admit I'm intrigued by the whole process and I'd also like to avoid going up that awful meds ladder.  Good luck and please let us know how it's working for you. Jesse, thanks so much. I discovered a lady online who had severe scleroderma with a dismal prognosis. She started AP therapy and went on a macrobiotic diet and is cured. I am very inspired by her and want to make similar changes. I have a number of health issues right now and thought I was doing everything I could to get well, but realized there is so much more I could be doing. I'm determined to get well and live a long and healthy life. I wish you perfect health. Love, J

The Roadback is like falling into another world, isn't it?  I kept lurking and reading because I couldn't understand ANYTHING they said.  It was all enzymes, and conflicting diets, and probiotics and all I could think was "SPEAK ENGLISH!"  Keep lurking, it will eventually click into place.

I'm emailing you.


The list of docs are on the RB.  Post and they will send you names.

Florida has a bunch of docs, I think.  There's even a father/son team I've heard good things about. 

If you have a doc willing to work with you - go for it. 

Aaaarrgh!  I can't remember any of your other questions!



Best wishes, Juliah!  I saw your post on the Roadback board.  It seems a little slow  - I think all the boards will slow down as the holidays get closer.  Someone will get back to you, though!

I would bet an AP dr. would start you on Minocycline.  You see posts about IVs on that board, but I don't get the impression that is a starting point or that most people end up with them. 

Just keep lurking there, and find someone to 'follow' who seems like you.  You will go crazy trying to keep up with everything posted there!

You know what is funny to me?  The first person I ever saw describe the meds as a 'ladder', when I first started lurking on adult boards, will be starting AP herself next month!  

Thank you to all who have written here, emailed or sent private messages. I am starting to feel quite hopeful. Also relieved to see that my local doctor may be able to treat me here, without having to go to a town nearly 3 hours away. Have most of you on AP changed your diets significally?

I have been slowly changing my diet for years as I finally was diagnosed, plus took action before that as I knew I was ill even if the doctors couldn't figure it out.

I try to cut down on sugars and processed foods, do not eat at salad bars or order salad at restaurants, avoid white milk and white potatoes.  I also avoid the nightshades.  I have added alot of raw veggies, especially peppers.  I have added kefir and yogurt for yeast control of the antibiotic.  And I juice and/or blend alot of my meals as RA affects your throat and I have difficulty swallowing during flares.

Other than that, its almost the holidays, when you are surrounded by sugar delights.  Last year I was very good as I was six months post-diagnosis and knew I had to cut out sugars.  I hope I have the same strength a year later.  We just got the invite for the annual party a realtor holds every year and this is one durn good party with individual chocolate Santa Claus's on sticks, etc.  I will pray I don't go hog wild.  And its almost Gobble Gobble time!!! 

justsaynomore, it sounds like you are doing quite well with your eating. I have been a vegetarian for over 20 years, but could still use some work as far as diet goes. Why no salads/salad bars? thanks, Julia

Juliah - for whatever reason, and not by choice, I have been cast into the role of a huge believer in colon health.  I was married to a chiropractor for 22 years, and this health care profession has its roots in magnetic healing and cleansing of the bowel.  I was introduced to and had my first professional high enema colonic back in the 1980s and it was, well, a big surprise. 

I have been seeing my current colonic therapist for almost three years now, and this was pre-diagnosis.  I am convinced if he had not been giving me active, constructive treatment while the MDs were dithering around making money testing me for everything but what was really wrong, I would be dead.  He is the sixth colonics therapist I have used over the years, and the best one.  He is deeply into parasites and their link to disease.  He also has an MA from Columbia.  Salads - he says that the lettuce especially, and the veggies served in salad bars and salads, are not cleaned properly enough in restaurants to rid the lettuce of the dirt that contains parasites.  We actually take in parasites and heavy metals all day long, and expel them naturally.  But if your pH balance is off (say by having a disease like, um, RA), the parasite finds a fertile ground to breed within your colon, heart, liver, brain, etc.

The killing of parasites through magnetic energy balancing and uses of homeopathics like black walnut, followed by enemas is critical to good health.  He test strips my pH balance and I take alkalyzing pills to keep my range in check.  So, that's the reason I now avoid lettuce that I haven't cleaned myself with the special soaps you can buy at the health food stores.  And I don't use green lettuce, I use red lettuce, all on his advise. 

It's all a kind of taboo subject, but I enjoy learning about it.  Parasites excrete ammonia, which in the intestines burns through the lining and this way the little devils create pockets in the small gut to live and breed.  And, I would have to do alot of digging to find the backup to this, but cysts within the womb are sometimes the result of this ammonia excretion burning through the bowel and via gravity into the womb, causing cysts, etc.  Women who have these cysts never get an explanation of why they get them, which of course, is not addressed by the gyno or the surgeon.

A long-winded explanation, but I strongly believe in good colon health, especially if you have a disease process.  Good luck and I am hopeful your current doctors will agree to let you try the AP protocol and see what happens.  Don't forget the epsom salts/hydrogen peroxide baths.  They are wonderful.  Take care ~~ Cathy 

justsaynoemore39405.1746296296Hi Julia, good luck on AP! I know it's kind of confusing at first but once you get the basics down there's really  not that much to it, so if you do your research any willing doctor can help you out. You should really read The New Arthritis Breakthrough before discussing it with your doc, unless you go to see an AP doc. Also, on the roadback there is advice on how to approach your doctor about AP. I'm still getting off my conventional meds really slowly but I have noticed many positive changes since I began AP (and I'm very happy to be off the portion of other meds I have gotten off of so far). Please be patient as it can be a really slow process.

Also, probiotics probiotics probiotics.

I have not changed my diet significatly but I'm kind of on the verge. I can only handle so many lifestyle changes at once, and I have had so many the last few years!

Feel free to pm me with any questions.

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