November 19th, 2007 - MONDAY! *gag* | Arthritis Information


Wakey wakey! It's a frigging cold November AM! Work was pretty slow and annoying last night. Lucky for me though, Pammy hung out with me on AIM - the night didn't seem quite as long as usual! Oh, and I played a really neat puzzle game. But now I'm ready for my pillow! Mmmmmm pillow.....

Justin's pain meds stopped cutting the pain

So my day will consist of picking his meds up, sleeping, putting laundry away and making dinner. And I really don't think I have a whole lot of ambition for anything else!


Hope everyone has a good day! Turkey day is closer and closer!!!!!

Its freaking frying here in Melbourne  it was about 105 today and tomorrow is set to be the same.    And its only spring!!!

I had a wonderful day off sitting on my butt watching telly, dozing and  having the fan blowing on me.  I managed to tidy the kitchen, do some dishes and make dinner. 

I also spent some time on the computer and phone chasing up disability insurance.  I may have left my run a bit late since I already have a diagnosis.  It's worth checking out though.  I'm really starting to think that I'd rather save my energy for my family than work.


Goodmorning all.  I finally slept well! Yay for me!!!

I almost feel human this am.  Still have a lot of pain, but am two weeks away from infusion.  I shall call the nurse and tell her I need more stuff in the infusion.  It is only lasting about four days. 

Hubby is going to try the day at work.  I wish he wouldn't, but I am just the wife. 

Other than that...I am hoping to catch up on some sleep, and sweep the kitchen floor, and finish laundry. 

I still have a sinus thing going on and lungs are congested a little.  No fever at all.  Confusing.

Goodmorning!!!  Its another gloomy day out today and i'm definitly feeling it.  Had a long afternoon yesterday.  I made the mistake of waiting till sat night to take my shots and I was SOOO tired yesterday.  We all woke up about 7:30, made breakfast for everyone and went back and layed down from 9:30-12:30.  Then I had to get ready to go over to a friends of ours house.  I made dinner over there, we watched the Bears lose...unfortunitly so did the Steelers

Have a great day everyone!

Hi!  I don't have to go into work till 230, so I had the time to do my Thanksgiving dinner shopping ($$$) and get my laundry done, so that's good.

Katie, I wonder what "freezing" means to someone in Florida.  Pammy, I wish I could trade our weather.  It's cold and gloomy here, I think we pretty much share Shannon's weather in Mochigan.

Glad you're feeling better Shelly, and glad your husband feels well enough for work.  Their is a crazy cold going around this area, both husband and daughter caught it but I was spared.  Surprizing, I thought I was an easy target with the MTX and Enbrel.

Have a good day, all [QUOTE=Linncn]

Hi!  I don't have to go into work till 230, so I had the time to do my Thanksgiving dinner shopping ($$$) and get my laundry done, so that's good.

Katie, I wonder what "freezing" means to someone in Florida.  Pammy, I wish I could trade our weather.  It's cold and gloomy here, I think we pretty much share Shannon's weather in Mochigan.

Glad you're feeling better Shelly, and glad your husband feels well enough for work.  Their is a crazy cold going around this area, both husband and daughter caught it but I was spared.  Surprizing, I thought I was an easy target with the MTX and Enbrel.

Have a good day, all

Ok, so I ended up subbing and will sub tomorrow too.  I am subbing for Art.  Gosh I am a project person, but not really art.  I got into the room, and there were no definite sub plans, and no definite place for anything.  I had to thumb through things and then scrounge for supplies. 

I am so tired and it is just lunch time.  I hope to catch some energy.  I am hurting a whole lot more.  I hope to stay home tonight, but I think I am going to be draged to a Motorcycle club dinner...I don't want to go and don't think the kids will want to go either. 

Hubby is not doing great, but will not come home. 

Shelly it sound like everyone should skip the Motorcycle club.

Link I saw Mona on last night but have not seen Gale or Karen??? Maybe Gale kidnaped Karen and is transforming her to a vegatarian!

Yea Shelly, I aggree w/ Jay (agreeing w/ a man, theres a first for everything

So my phone is MIA....I think its over at our friends house where we were last night since its not at the house or in the truck.  Didnt even know it was missing till 2 of the guys that my DH works w/ came over to the house (they are working down the street) and told me to call him.  So i had to IM him on his phone (AIM lets you IM to a phone number now)...hes kinda pissy w/ me but it'll blow over.  Hes stressed and tends to take it out on the wrong person.  So I just let him be till hes back to "normal"

"Yea Shelly, I aggree w/ Jay (agreeing w/ a man, theres a first for everything   < =text/>_popupControl(); Link - freezing it 30s!!! Though, during the day it's been 70s, which is great. heheheYeah....hehehe.  Laugh it up Florida girl.  Laugh it up.Don't worry Jay...I dont plan on it Katie,
Just a heads up, your link to Sushi, takes you to an AI page that says your link won't work anymore. < =text/>_popupControl(); Ooooo that's not cool. :| Guess I can't make it click-able. Waaaahhhh!!! I guess y'all will have to copy+paste it the old fashioned way! Sorrry!!!!!!!!

Hey Katie just sent you a PM. Are you at work or home?

Keep that boy at home a little while longer. We tend to think we are better and more healed than we are!!!

I am at work. Justin's not allowed back to work until the 29th, and then our boss and I have already plotted that he's not allowed back full time. He can work two days, and we'll see how that goes. If he does well, he can have three the next week, and so on. Until he can handle a full load again. Don't worry, he's got several folks looking out for him this time!