Anyone else?? | Arthritis Information


*Brusts into singing*

Gotta make a move to a
town that's right for me
Town to keep me movin'
Keep me gvoovin' with some

Well, I talk about it,
Talk about it,
Talk about it,
Talk about it,
Talk about, Talk about,
Talk about movin,

Gotta move on.
Gotta move on.
Gotta move on.

Won't you take me to
Won't you take me to

Oh, Funkytown

Won't you take me to
Won't you take me to

Anyone else feel like they are in "funk" town??

yesI am actually feeling better but worried if I go out, I will have a relapse

My gramma had that on 45 when i was a kid!!!!!!!!!!

I loved the low "Wont you take me to" and then the high "Funkytown!"

hee hee Yeah i have been funky today... i think its extra depression setting in... i have had to work for 2 days and i have kids to teach tomorrow already... normally i am "an intelligent woman" (its a thing my friend and i say about ourselves) and today i was a total blonde!(no offense to the other blondes here, but you know what i mean!)

Ok off to finish my classroom rules for the kids tomorrow.. UG!

Way FUNKED up here too! Glad to know I'm not in the funk boat alone.Had just the worst week ever so far. Not speaking to other half. So, in a quiet funk. I'll look for you folks later in the chat room.Whoa... hold on there monk.. WHAT CHAT ROOM??? i never got the final word that one ws formed....Do Tell!

Thanks Joonie,

I see I'm not the only "funkiedoodle" in this here town:0)

Well if I have to be in Funky Town at the moment, I could'nt think of better company.

Yeah, what chat room?  I'm just figuring out this message board thing! If I have to figure out something like that anytime soon, I will be in Funky Town. That song has good memories for me.  I timeline my life a lot by music that was popular.   My kids do karoake to it, too (a little hard on the ears)

Peace & Love...Neasy

Hey again, I've gone to this chat room and visited with one or two people last month. Haven't been there since. It throws a pop up window at you right away about password or some shiet, just close it and hit "rooms" I think, anyway surf it a little and you'll figure out to sign up and on. We should have friday nite chat for the folks that are staying in. I'll check back in later for sure.


I can't get the java to download on that site. go tp MSN   its Easy to sign up!!! we are there now... 10:15 EST  (pm)