Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Syndrome | Arthritis Information


Anyone else have this? It is treatable?

After all these years, I FINALLY think I know what is wrong with my right ear! I came across it while "researching" Lupus and one of the symptoms of Lupus is TMJ. I also skimmed thru a book about Lupus at the thrift store the other day, which mentioned TMJ. Oh and I also seen in mentioned on websites for Fibro. I decided to look up the "symptoms" and that is my right ear down to a T!

So... I guess I can add this to my "List-O-Complaints" for my December 4th RD visit.

And here I thought I was going crazy about not being able to hear. When this all started about 6 years ago. I went to the ear Dr. and they tested my hearing and everything and said I had great hearing. I was like well why can I not hear out my right ear. They said probably inflammation from RA. So... that is what I have been going on.

I do not think there is anything they can do to fix it, but would be nice to be able to tell hubby why I cannot hear and for him to stop getting frustrated with me for what he thinks I am acting like I cannot hear and just aggravating him because I keep making him repeat himself or if he is facing away from me I cannot hear him well.



I have TMJ! I was diagnosed about 6 years ago. Mine wasn't bad enough for surgery but I wore a night guard at night and took Xanax to relax so I didnt grit my teeth. I never really had any hearing problems though. Sorry to hear you are having such difficulties hearing.


I have it, too.  Was dx'd when I had an earache, but it wasn't infected.

They can do surgery, but jaw surgery, man oh man, I wouldn't.  Mine isn't that bad, but I always have to remember I have it, or I pay. 

No gum chewing.  Don't open your mouth too big.  When you open your mouth, do it straight, equal, not lopsided (I see pattern here now - we both have scoliosis, too!) Don't shift your bottom jaw to either side, keep it even with your top.

My jaw got stuck halfway once a long time ago, eating a hamburger at a restaurant.  It hurt s-o-o-o bad, and also I almost choked on the food in my mouth - I couldn't bite down to chew it, I couldn't open up enough to get it out!

They gave me an exercise to do, that helps when I know I have messed up.  Put your elbows on the table, and your rest your jaw on your hands/fists.  Then open your mouth - with your top jaw going up, don't let your bottom jaw go down at all.  And keep them lined up, evenly!

Do it like five times a day.  You should feel a difference in your ear after awhile, like a few days.  

i have tmj. I wear a night guard which i love it made such a diff, i also use it when im studying or taking exams...its not all better but at least i can open my mouth!

I never thought that was why I could not open my mouth wide enough to fit my finger in my mouth. Yeah... I am going to have to get it checked into I am thinking. Because I hear fluid in my right ear when I move  my jaw or chew. And I am still having a hard time hearing outta the ear.... I thought it was just inflammation, but my inflammation is down in most of my joints.

Yeah, my jaw is not lined up either. It HURTS to line it up. It sets off to the left more than the right.

When i went to the ear dr that time I thought it was swimmers ear, but no infection nothing so the tested my hearing and nothing.

I have always had a hard time chewing gum. Use to give me BAD ear aches. I mean the kind of ear aches where you swear you had an ear infection of some kind, but nothing.

Welps, added to my "List-O-Complaints".

Thanks for the replies
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