Leflunomide - (Arava) | Arthritis Information


Just a couple of things that I have noticed since being placed on this drug over the past twelve weeks.

1: More frequent urination through the day and at night. Am needing to get up at least three times during the night.
Prostrate has been checked.

Recently took myself off them for four days and things dropped to normal.

2: More frequent use of the bowels, up to 5 times a day and is clay coloured. Never get that, well, um, that feeling that I have just expelled a good load.
Things returned to  twice a day and felt more satisfying after three days of being off the drug.

3: I have noticed a rapid drop in weight over this period ( twelve weeks), one stone to be exact.

Has any one else noticed a change in their habits while on this drug and should I mention these things to the Doc.

You should really report them to the dr., especially the weight loss. They are all listed side-effects of leflunomide.

I'm on Arava too and may be coming off it shortly due to bad GI side-effects. I don't want to come off it as it has been the only thing thus far to have any real impact on my RA.

Good luck with it: do see your doc.

My side effects were a different sort..."technicolor" nightmares (very vivid dreams that stay with you all day) and excessively heavy periods.

Definitely check with your doctor...it sounds like this might not be the best med for you.  I am currently on Imuran and have found no side effects.

arava can totally affect the gastr intestinal system.  usually these will go away as you get used to the med...but if the side effects are intolerable call your drThe symptoms are more a nuisance than anything else but the weight loss is something that I am going to watch more closely.
Much more loss and I will have to go see the Doc.

The crapper part of it gives me the sh*ts more than anything else as I am a hairy bugger and usually like to have a shower after the event,
else I end up with a red rash..

Have found wet ones (wipes) a great help.

Great subject Stephen, hope no one is having breakfast. Aww, Stephen! I have nothing useful to offer on the subject but just wanted to say your BM descriptions cracked me up! I spit water out on the keyboard. I know you must be absolutely miserable. Please let your doc know what's going on. Hope you're having a comfortable day! [QUOTE=MrsAlexander]Aww, Stephen! I have nothing useful to offer on the subject but just wanted to say your BM descriptions cracked me up! I spit water out on the keyboard.

You have a great day, too. I hope you don't have to visit "the office" too often!

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