Silly Question | Arthritis Information


This may be a dumb question, but I'm going for it anyway.  When your joints are swelling up, do they itch?  Even before I have pain or visible swelling in my knees, they start to itch, and I know it's going to be a bad day.  Anyone else?Hi special, this could possibly mean that the nerves are involved, caught up in the swelling etc, they can start to itch, I certainly have had this and my GP says that is what it is.  Whenever my carpal tunnel nerve  area is swollen and hot it really itches on the forearm.  Best of luck, Janie.

Thanks, that makes sense.


Special, that's a really good question and I think Jane is right and it's the nerves.  I get it sometimes too, but not necessarily at the joints. I would think if your joints are swollen, the nerves there are also being impacted and that could cause them to itch.  It is a known fact that damaged nerves can itch, so why not swollen ones too?  Swollen joints also stretch the skin around them; this alone can cause itching. Well, I was hoping that it was some new and strange symptom that meant it couldn't possibly be RA, (I am not actually diagnosed yet), but those answers make sense too!My rheumy said it was hives.  Any time tissue swells or shrinks, it has the potential to itch. Also, after
surgery, there is lots of itching as the tissue heals.