I am still around | Arthritis Information


I just have been in such a catch 22. I do not seem to be healing very fast from getting my tooth pulled. That was what two weeks ago. And i am not sure if the infection is gone completly. I am going to have to go to the doctor.

Milly...I was wondering about you, and am glad you are still around.  YOu need to address the concerns you have to the docs and let them figure some of this out. 

I am so sorry you are feeling so bad, and I wish I could send some hugs to you. Take care girl, and go ahead and give yourself permission to rest.

Milly, have you thought about getting a second opinoin about all of this?  It doesnt seem that your dr is taking you serious w/ your diagnosis and it sounds like there is something else going on that they arent catching.  PLEASE try and make an appointment w/ another dr.  I hate to see you like this, and we all deserve to be seen by a good dr that will treat us well.  If you go on the arthritis website you can search for an RD in your state on there.  Hope you get to feeling better.  Are you on an antibiotic for your infection from getting your tooth pulled?  How is the site from where they pulled the tooth?


Shannon make a good point, maybe a 2nd opinion is in order??  Please keep us updated.

Milly!  We missed you girl!  Keep posting and keep us informed.  Cathy


Hi Milly....I was just asking if anyone had heard from you...I was getting pretty worried. I hate you feel so overwhelmed right now, hopefully you can get some help soon...I would consider a new Dr too! Just not sure what kind.

Anyway I'm glad to know you're semi-ok and still around...I've missed you. Good luck and keep us updated. Hi Milly, I am sorry you are unwell. I can only offer my empathy and wish better days for you. I certainly understand about simply waiting for the pain and fatigue to lessen and how some days that just does not happen.

To moving beyond the pain and leaving the fatigue behind, Happ

edited for those annoying typos that these stiff fingers seem to make and that my proofreading skills seem to miss...

Hi Milly! I'm so glad you posted...we've all been worried about you!

I'm sorry to hear that you're still dealing with so many health issues, but hopefully things will turn around soon. We're here for you in the meantime!


 Hi Happ and Gale...I'm supposed to be looking for a recipe and cooking!Oh Milly, I don't know what to say, other than "Hang in there!!!"

Sorry to hear that you and Happ are having such a tough time of it.  I hope you can both get some relief soon.




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