coffee & inflammation | Arthritis Information


I notice that some of you drink lots of coffee to keep going through the fatigue. That was my strategy too, but I have developed bladder inflammation and now can't have any caffeine, coffee or pop among other things. Just be careful, my dr said coffee & caffeine can be a problem for people with AI diseases. Getting up to pee 6-7 times a night is no fun!

I actually feel better now without the caffeine.


Awe Laker, I'm sitting here drinking my large dunkin donuts black coffee and loving it...then I saw this, lol.

I know it's not the best for you, but with Lupus and RA I've given up so much.  No more competing in racquetball, no more energy to go and go and go with myfriends, no more martinis, no more sipping on a wonderful bottle of red, no more laying on the beach feeling the warm sun and on and on I could go.  Not bitter, ok, that's BS, but I've adapted.  I have an occasional small glass of red, I go to the beach but I'm in a tent, I swim, but with a long sleeve shirt and a hat, etc.  It's not the same.  As far as the energy, I have probably 10 % of what I used to have.  I have to pick and choose what I do or pay for it dearly.

So, bottom line, I'm downing this cup of coffee with a smile.  It may be doing more damage, but damn it's good!  Glad you feel better without it. Moderation is the key. hi, thanks for the warning. I drink 3 cups of coffee w/caffeine every morning. Try to drink soy milk with it and breakfast bar, so not jsut coffee in my stomach.  But, I should be careful, Thanks! a bunch, meI don't drink a lot of coffee, but I do drink coffee. I drink it less for the caffeine jolt than for the pleasure the ritual of coffee brings.And it is a ritual at the Sonoran Abode: the music of the coffee mill, the incense of freshly ground beans, the magical melding of elements--water, fire, air and then the delight of the first sip from a bone china demitasse.

There are a great many of antioxidants in coffee beans, which are intensified in the roasting process.

A copyrighted © article at WebMd contains the following [quote]"Overall, the research shows that coffee is far more healthful than it is harmful," says Tomas DePaulis, PhD, research scientist at Vanderbilt University's Institute for Coffee Studies, which conducts its own medical research and tracks coffee studies from around the world. "For most people, very little bad comes from drinking it, but a lot of good."[/quote]

laker, I am so sorry you have lost the pleasure of coffee.

As Debrakay so eloquently expressed, autoimmune disorders require a great deal of adapting and forsaking. It is always refreshing to hear something that I so enjoy is actually good for me! However, as we all know what is good for us this week can, and often is, shown to be bad for us next week.

Con brio! HappI love coffee but can only drink at every once in awhile and along with a bunch of bladder meds caues its too acidic for my bladder...but i love it anyway just cant have a lot and not very often...yay for interstitial cystitis


Coffee addict here. Although I don't drink it all day long, I do drink it every day, anywhere from 2-4 cups daily.

I've had to give up so much since my RA diagnosis 5 years ago, but coffee is not something I'm willing to give up anytime soon. It's still one of life's simple pleasures. Oh boy, I didn't know AI people need to watch the caffeine.  I do get an irritated bladder sometimes after strong coffee and have to stop for a few days or switch to decaf.  It's my drug of choice and really helps me to get moving so I'd hate to give it up altogether.  Like was said before, moderation is the key. Im a Police CSI guy for almost 31 years Ive drank coffee by the gallons never had any problems until the RA hit now with the meds (#13) plus Iv Remicade I needed it even more than before I was so tired all the time but it came with a stiff price to pay. The acidic coffee even decaf along with the meds caused me grave throat problems and acid reflux so now for the first time in about thirty two years Im cold turkey on coffee and a lot of other drinks and foods. The choice from the ENT doctor was stop now or loose your vocal cords for ever and he ment it. The funny thing is I had no symptoms other that hoarness that kept coming back then stayed then a lump in the throat like a huge pill was stuck. I had no choice stop or have a hole drilled in the front of my neck and risk throat cancer at any time. So a word of warning for you all enjoy your coffee but keep it to no more than a few cups per day and not to hot either. If you start getting hoarse go at once to a ENT Doc do not risk getting throat cancer. Billy, were you a smoker as well?   Moderate coffee consumption is associated with a decreased risk of esophogeal cancer.

Billy, did the ENT say the lump in your throat was definitely from the coffee or was it the RA?  I mean, would it have happened anyway even if you didn't drink a lot of coffee, with your type of RA?  I think your post is going to freak out a few coffee drinkers here, including me.

BTW, welcome to the AI boards. 


Jesse8839411.3043171296oh one more thing to worry about.  sigh.  i drink coffee in the am, its like breathing to me.  and i drink coffee when i work friday adn saturday nights, half bc im dog tired and half bc i eat alot working in a restaurant so if i am drinking coffee or water (which i drink a lot of too) i dont eat as much when i am not hungry, so the coffee is a decent substitute, especially past 9pm :)  i dont think i could cold turkey it either  oh well i guess moderation is key and i could cut back some

I went cold turkey and got terrible headaches so I started having some tea in the morning, then switched to decaf tea and got no headaches. I still have a small coffee in the am on days I am really tired.


Caffeine is my ENEMY. And dark sodas and coffee. I really couldn't tell you specifically why, but they tear me up. Make my stomach churn, give me heartburn, headaches, make my throat sore. UGH.

Although, I do get some caffeine. I have one cup of sweet tea before bed usually. And that's it. I've never noticed anything with that cup. I have a feeling theres less caffeine in it than in coffee and soda though.
[QUOTE=arriscolwell]Caffeine is my ENEMY. And dark sodas and coffee. I really couldn't tell you specifically why, but they tear me up. Make my stomach churn, give me heartburn, headaches, make my throat sore. UGH.

Although, I do get some caffeine. I have one cup of sweet tea before bed usually. And that's it. I've never noticed anything with that cup. I have a feeling theres less caffeine in it than in coffee and soda though.

Tea has about the same caffeine content as cola - not much.  I think Coke has about 35mg per 12-ounce can.  Mountain Dew is much higher in caffeine.

Please not Mountain Dew.  I love my Mountain Dew. 

Lake, glad that is working out for you to not have caffeine.  And I am usually on the bandwagon with moderation.  But I just can't jump on while I have this 'monkey on my back'.


Sprite is the only soda that I can handle, but I have to drink it really slow. Maybe its partly the carbonation? I dunno. But I know when I drink a pepsi, or a coke, or dr pepper, I get the WORST headaches on earth. Actually, they usually end up as migraines. I had that one pepsi the other day saying "ah, one won't kill me" No, but it sure gave me a damn headache!!! Oh well.