first night lyrica | Arthritis Information


Well first night with Lyrica and i didnt sleep well??? I ussually dont wake up at night but last night i was up to go to the bathroom, i got up a few times cause i was thirsty...just couldnt sleep! Who knows maybe it was just a coincidence, ill see how tonight goes, then back to school.....
its homework time WOOPPEEE lol NOT

hope everyone is having a good sat :)

Hmm, that's pretty unusual, but maybe if you were getting that dry mouth symptom that GrammaSkittles mentioned (I've never had it personally) it was waking you up making you feel thirsty?  Just in case, maybe you could have something to drink before bed and leave a cup on your nightstand so if you do wake up needing a drink, you can go right back to sleep without actually getting up.  A lot of people don't know this, but if you are exposed to light, particularly bluish light, during the night, it can easily disrupt your sleep cycle.  So if you do need to get up and say, go to the bathroom, it would be good to just use a yellowish nightlight so you can get back to sleep afterwards.

Hope you sleep better tonight!


great suggestion Suzanne!  I have done this for a while now and it does help. 

Take care LMM, and I hope you don't have this happen again.

thanks, ive always been a night drinker anyway...still have a sippy cup next to my bed sincei was a toddler....somtimes ill fill it up 3 times in one night. i dont drink enough durign the day and get so thirsty at night!Oh Oh they make a mouth wash called like Oasis I think. Walmart has it, its FOR dry mouth. If you use that before bed you might do better. It works GREAT, btw.

Keep the water on the nightstand and hook yourself up with some Depends.

I'd definitely try the product Katie mentioned. (And be sure to let us know if it cured your night thirst!)

Hope everyone is having a great night!

eh ill see. ive ALWAYS been a night drinker...i dont drink much during the day maybe 1 cup? sooo i probably need all that water at night... it actually doesnt make me pee much which is wierd! Ive got interstitial cystitis so my bladder is finicky in the first used to getting up at night if its flaring bad but not ussualy...
haha depands yea right! this is the girl who wont pee anywere except a toilet. like physically cant! haha yea dont need to go into too much detail there...
thanks for the advice! [QUOTE=littlemermaid]eh ill see. ive ALWAYS been a night drinker...i dont drink much during the day maybe 1 cup? sooo i probably need all that water at night... it actually doesnt make me pee much which is wierd! Ive got interstitial cystitis so my bladder is finicky in the first used to getting up at night if its flaring bad but not ussualy...
haha depands yea right! this is the girl who wont pee anywere except a toilet. like physically cant! haha yea dont need to go into too much detail there...
thanks for the advice![/QUOTE]

If you're not drinking very much during the day, you very well might be borderline dehydrated by the time night comes 'round.  You might want to drink a bit more during the day and see what happens.yea im sure im deydrated...blah bad bad i know. its so ard to foce liquids. for awhile before i was dx with interstitial cystitis i was not drinking anything cause i always had to go to the bathroom and i was scared to make it worse.... i drink more at school then home...if i have a water bottle i tend to drink it...if i have to go an get a glass of water probalby not hahaSo how'd you do last night?  I've been in a lot of pain myself so not sleeping very well, but I started a pred burst and I'm doing a little better already.last night was fine, didnt wake up i slept like normal. except that i had to get up at 5 to fly back to school! EEK i dont notice a diff yet but im trying to be patient and dont seem to have any neg effects at least at this dose...i go up to 50mg tomorrow night

hope the pred helps, sorry you havnt been so good! im trying to get off the pred....