Feeling scared and confused | Arthritis Information


Hi there,

I have just been diagnosed (still awaiting proper blood/xray results) with psoratic arthritis.

I started with pains in my thumbs about 3 months ago, and now my right thumb is worse than my left. The consultant said that I have carpal tunnel too. They've just conducted some blood/xrays which I'm still waiting on for the results. I had blood tests for arthritis/rheumatoid factor 2 months ago and I had the all clear, apart from a slightly raised ESR reading.

This year has been the worst of my life. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism at the very start of the year, which is now medicated- and I feel much better for....

but... my Mum died 2 months ago very suddenly, and it seems since then, I have had more pain with my thumbs and now my heel. Can stress elevate the symptoms?

Before I saw the consultant last week, I didn't even know I has psoriasis, but he said he could see some small bits on my scalp, and since then, I have noticed that my scalp is sore and itchy in some places.

Yesterday I felt like what can only be described as a "tear" in my right heel.... I've been doing some research on the web, and it seems to fit with the P.A. symptoms.

I guess I came onto here because I want to know if anyone is suffering from the same thing as me, and how it effects your life.

I'm scared because I'm only 27, and the symptoms seem to have come on fast in 3 months, from being healthy. What am I going to be like in a year?

I'm a very positive and happy person, but with all that has happened in the past 2 months, I feel overwhelmed.

Can anyone help or give any advice?

Thanks so much in advance.
Welcome and I am sorry you have to be here.  It will take a little while to find the right meds that will help you but once the dr does you will find life can get better again.  I am 50 and have had both the psoriasis and the PA for awhile now too.  I am now in the process of a carrer change, one of the reasons is the PA, right now I am not having many problems but it may get worse again and the dr feels my previous job, which was quite physical, could make matters worse, I am training for a new job which I may be able to do from home.  Please don't dispair I know it is daunting to have the PA and then on top of it the lovely "skin condition"  You just learn to keep going and keep living you don't let it take over your life, you just have to learn new ways of doing things.   I was at one point I couldn't trun the key in the ignition of the car nor pick things up because I dropped everything, one winter I just about went through all of my cramic cooking pans because I couldn't hold on to them.  With the meds the dr had me on things got better and I am able to do alot of things I couln't do for the longest time.  So hang in there and know you are among friends,   meme

In fact I found this board - at the start - one of the most alarming things I read. The BUPA site seems to have it cured! But experience is invaluable. There is hope in that it seems to hit people different ways...so maybe we will be lucky.

I have to go and choose a dideases altering drug in Jan - sulp or meth other than the colour I dont know what to pick.

My initial thought is stronger - better, but some types might just suit an individual better and not be so strong? It is confusing...i'd say dont be scared but I am also..

Sorry you have had a bummer of a year and hope it gets better. Sadly to most other people there is a bit of understanding then they move on just like we have to. If you can get confortable thats a bonus, and just how good does it feel when you adjust that pillow and youve nailed it the pains away.... now normal people just dont get that hit.

I wish you all the best on your journey.



Hi Blonde and welcome to the forum.  I was diagnosed with PA 6 years after receiving the RA diagnosis.  PA has been far worse than the RA and I believe I've had PA as long as the RA because of the damage in my hands, knees, ankles, and back. 

You should be starting meds as soon as possible.  I have heel, ankle, and toe pain due to PA.  My latest cocktail of meds has helped tremendously and I feel 70% better than before. 

At one time I was housebound due to the severe onset of of RA.  After years of denial and then trial and error with meds I finally have my life back.  I had to retire from my career and my husband retired shortly after.  We've been traveling since retirement.  It's possible to live your life to the fullest but it's trial and error.  It won't happen overnight.  You have to work very hard at it and have the support of your immediate family and friends.  Keep your family and friends close to you.  You will need them. 

I was much older (52) than you when I was diagnosed, but I had symptoms for about 10 years prior. 

Your doctor may prescribe steroids to try and get a handle on the pain and then start you on one of the DMARD and/or biologics to control the PA.  Have you talked to your RD about medication?  Keep us posted on how you're doing.  Lindy  


Blonde girl,

Keep your chin up.  When I was first diagnosed a few years ago it took awhile for the docs to pinpoint my issue. I have hypothyroidism and a couple other autoimmune issues, and trust me, the sooner you start treating the disease, the better.  I can't take the DMARDS except for methotrexate, and even that is iffy.  You really need to   do your research and get the best doc possible, one who will treat the whole body and not just the symptoms.

Stay with it, and don't let anyone force you into anything you don't feel right doing.  You're young, and no one knows the long term effects of taking the serious drugs. 




dear blondgirl

  Hello - welcome ,I am glad found you here ,I wrote my psoriatic arthritis story and sent to message boards  in title (seven head Dragon) that 55 members in this site have seen it .I have  claimed that I prepared herb drug for my Problem (arthritis)  detaile' please contact with me   

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