Any other teachers out there? | Arthritis Information


Just curious how it's working out for you.

Every year I wonder if I can continue doing what I do. The energy
required is hard for me.

*lorster39412.7743402778I teach middle school science.

I am totally drained by the end of the day but I still love what I do. My RD
and I have talked seriously about the future but I told him that I can only
be concerned about now. I am a single mom of a toddler so I have to
work. I love teaching and don' t know what else I could do. I thought
about going back to school a couple of months ago but money is the
issue. That and time. Obviously I would still have to work full time for
health insurance.

My biggest fear is becoming the teacher that just lectures. Right now I
still do tons of hands on activities with the kids. We lose alot of kids in
science in middle and high school so I try to keep them intrested.

I am also only 31 so this is my 9th year teaching. I haven't "burned out"
yet. I did promise myself that when I stop being able to laugh with the
kids-I would be out of there.Rocckyd
Please hang in there .
Not only do I have kids in school but I work in a public school and believe me when NEED teachers like you ! you sound like you really care
thanks for what you and all the teachers who love their jobs do.
you are so important in the lives of our children ! you make a difference.
Lorster-I can't imagine 12 hour shifts! That and having to work with the
public as well. You know as well as I do-you have to hide you moods
when you work with other people. That is tiring as well.

Thanks azuil.   

You are so full of sh*t!!!! Stop trying to transform yourself into something you are not just to make a connection with people on this board!!!!

Toxy39412.8517939815Hello Arthmom,
I don't know if I have "met" you or not, but welcome if I haven't mentioned it.  I teach in a college and I love it.  Physically, it is not very demanding job I have had but it is still tiring.  I have reduced my hours, though I am still working full time.  I am very grateful for the break time though!  The part of RA that worries me the most is the memory and concentration problems I sometimes have.  Luckily, my meds are finally kicking in and that is becoming less of a problem.  I also give one of my students my papers to pass out since I can't quite do that yet.  I teach high school art.  It's my first year and I love it but I don't know if I'll be able to do it for long.  It is so completely exhausting.  Thankfully art classes allow for more sitting down and my administration is very understanding.  They gave me my lunch and prep right together so I can go lie down if I need to. I also teach art k-12. I have a very mild case of RA and it is still so exhausting. I admire you guys!


I am an elementary teacher, and am substituting this year.  I am glad I am subbing, because I have had a lot of very bad days. 

I miss being a full time classroom teachers and interacting and getting involved with my students.  I love the kids, and it is hard to come into a classroom cold turkey, but I make it work for me. 

I will see about next year, and will see if it is even a possibility to get hired on next year. 
