Finger flexibility | Arthritis Information


In the past few months, I've been losing flexibility in my fingers making it harder for me to type and to play the piano and I was wondering if there were any sort of exercises that could help with it. I've tried stretching my fingers back and forth manually but all that does is make my hand hurt. I am having the same symptoms. There are times when I go to grab
something and my fingers won't bend at all. It is much worse while
practicing violin or after cold weather/water activity. I have started to see a
physical therapist to help gain ankle mobility before snow season starts and
she recommended some work for my hands/fingers too. She doesn't do any
stretching or forced bending of my hand-she says that will aggravate the
tendons surrounding the joints causing more pain/inflammation, instead
she uses ultrasound (heat) and massage and small movement exercises. It is
helping a lot to reduce the swelling of my fingers and hand. The effect lasts
for about three days. Maybe you could get the same results with heat packs.
Most PT's accept private pay if your insurance won't cover the costs. -- I
hope this helps you!. wannaskiagain39439.093900463

I just finished four weeks with an occupational therapist who specializes in hands and fingers.  She gave me some warmups called glides, then 2 lb weight exercises for the wrists, putty for finger exercises, and now I do these twice a day.

The putty - like the kid's putty.  I do 10 reps each with each finger and the thumb, just pushing down, back up, all the way down all four fingers, the thumb underneath the putty, the fingers on top.  You use your other hand to hold the putty on both ends in place up in the air in front of you.  Don't let the putty get too flat.  Then ten reps of the first two fingers and the thumb, then last your first finger and pinkie finger for 10 reps. 

Hope that made sense.  It's helped alot for me.  Take care and good luck - Cathy

Why not try a bowl of water (hot as you can stand) with a teacup of Epsom salts, and do your hand/finger exercises for 10 minutes whilst soaking your hands. Also works for feet. The Epsom salts draw out inflammation, apparantly. You should rinse off in warm clear water afterwards. Becky loves her Epsom salts full body baths, taken right before bedtime, then she rinses off in the morning either in the pool or shower. You can do the hand or foot baths daily but the body baths only 3 times a week as somehow they are tiring.

Take care and good luck! Dee and Becky
