elbow pain | Arthritis Information


Good morning

I have had RA for several years now....but recently have had wicked pain and swelling in my elbows...outside of increasing medication which I hate to do....does anyone know of any thing that can help with this elbow thing.......I never knew how much I used them untill now....are there any ebow supports that would help......add this to

the already painful body and OMG !!!!!  thanks for listening anyway



Hi Gramma1o, I have exactly the same problem, I am due to have a steroid injection into the bursa shortly, I hope it helps as it is so painful and like you say, we don't know how much we need them until we can't use them!!  Best of luck.  Sometimes I use elastic elbow supports, the warmth seems to help me.  Hugs Janie.

I have the same problems with my elbows. I mean it really dictates your life on a day to day basis. I mean one day you cannot bend your arm enough to touch your face or even brush your teeth or even get a fork to your mouth in a normal manner.

When they are swelled and being to become painful. I usually take a shower and then lay in the bed with the heating pad and pop a pain pill or when I was able to IBU.

I have not talked to any of the RDs about correcting my elbows, they seen them, but never offered anything to help me get along better. Just told me I had lack of ROM... DUH?! Ya think?!

I hope they ease up for you soon.


cortisone helps

icing or heat depending on what feels better

yes a elbow splint can allow the joint to rest

make sure you get them evaluated..elbows are a prime spot for soft tissue involvement


I really, really understand your reluctance to increase your medication and go "up the meds ladder" as someone once put it so well, but is it OK to just treat the symptoms?  I mean, aren't you risking more permanent damage?  I don't really know, I'm just asking.  I'd hate to have you get worse in the long run because you don't want to increase your meds.  Please talk to your doctor about this.  My elbows didn't start hurting until 2 years ago, I had no idea how important they were. Joonie, funny I thought it was ROM of my wrists that was keeping me from getting the fork in my mouth, forget eating soup, and some days I have to use the back scratcher to get the itch on my head. I use Icy Hot or a heating pad when I can't space out the pain. Putting up the Christmas decorations will take days, I may have to take stronger pain reliever.

Deidre - I know it is my elbows because mine do not bend inward most times unless I am having a good day or on 15mg+ of prednisone. My right wrist already has limited ROM, has since I was 14, but it never stopped me from getting my hand to my face or even my head. It is my elbow. And my right elbow is worse than my left. Tooo bad I am not left handed. I have tried to do things left handed, and well... eating and brushing my teeth are way to messy left handed.

Oh and when all my family went out to eat with my brother some time last week. My nephews girlfriends son noticed how my elbow did not extend all the way and how I had a hard time getting the fork to my mouth and he asked me why I had to eat and move like that and I just told him I had an illness. He said "I am sorry. I hope it goes away soon." I smiled and told him "thanks". He is only 9. But the sweetest boy I have ever met. He just loves my daughter. He is very thoughtful of others and notices things about people most kids would not notice.

I have started using my left hand to put food in my mouth, I like to think 'well, that's how they eat in Europe'. I cut with my right hand and instead of switching the fork hand back to the right just keep shoveling it in with the left hand, it doesn't work for soup though. I hadn't realized that my elbows weren't straightening out anymore until they started to hurt, now my short arms are even shorter.Yeah... I know about having short arms. I am 5ft 2in. I HATE being short! I have yet to find a "benefit" of being short. Just always picked on and too short for some rides

Had surgery on left one in 98. It helped a lot but was a really long wicked recovery due to ulnar nerve damage but still glad I had it done. I can touch my face and turn my hand palm up - two things I was afraid I'd never be able to do again.  

Now the right one is acting (and hurting) about the same way as the old leftie. Fear of a long recovery is holding me back - just not ready to do it. I sure wish elbow replacement surgery was more common. Really hard to find a good surgeon for that.

I use heat to help with pain. Also make sure to never to rest your arm so that the inner (body side) of your elbow takes the weight. It can cause lasting damage to the ulnar nerve.

replacement is what i ultimately had to do for both elbows.  i am under strict lifting restrictions but i have functional range of motion and little pain, unless i over do it

Thank you Buckeye. It helps to know that people end up with a good result.

How are your hands? Nerve-wise any damage from the surgery? 

What happens if you fall? It is an automatic reflex to reach out with your arms to break the fall. (Currently my elbows collapse - the last 2 crashes I got lucky and did not smack my face on the sidewalk).

hey marian!

Remember last November, when I broke my elbow? Yeah... I do not seem to have the automatic reflex to reach out with my arms to break the fall. I just belly flop and break an elbow

I think it is in my head not to even try to break my fall because of my messed up right wrist. I know I cannot break it or even keep myself from hitting the ground so why even attempt it.

Belly flops is the way to GO!

I remember that Joonie. Good that it happened coming home and did wreck your whole trip.  

I cracked my right ulna bone at the elbow the same year you really smashed yours. Mine was half healed before I got around to seeing a Dr about it, I was really shocked to hear it was broken. I didn't remember for quite a while how the heck it got broken, because for once I didn't actually fall down! 

thanks everyone for your kind thoughts and words.......i will try ice and if that isnt it heat and if that isnt it.....I will keep trying till I find something.....this RA is not gonna kick my a-- if I can help it....it just makes me sad

I waited an hour and a half to see him. He walked in the room, asked me where the pain was, told me to lie down on the table, and started to prepare an injection! I asked him what he was doing. He said "I'm giving you a shot". I sat up and said "No, I don't want a shot, I just want to know what my options are". What a waste of time. I saw a different orthopeadic doctor yesterday for my feet and while he wasn't very helpful, at least he didn't want to shoot me up with cortisone.

I guess my only option now is to get pain meds from my primary care.

I am sorry, Miles.

Hope you get some real answers soon on how to fix them, as you see some of us have not even tried to tackle that joint yet.

Take it one joint at a time.
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