OT: Chat 11/27/07 | Arthritis Information


GOODMORNING!!!!!!!!  Well I have been up since just before 5am, had to drop off hubby at the offce to get his work van so I could have the truck.  Might have to meet a plumber at my new house to fix a few things in the basement before we move in.  I am in an unbelievably good mood too!!!

Ok so it wont let me copy the pic to put on here so im going to include the link instead



Good morning Shannon. 5 am is not a nice time to be awake

Its a cold grey day here in UK today but I have got friends coming in a moment for lunch so it will be nice to sit in front of the fire and chat.

Hi Shannon and Lisa, hope you both have a lovely day regardless of your weather, I am just about to retire to bed and read a book.  My son who was diagnosed recently as an epileptic is worrying me as I am sure he is having a mini seizure in his sleep, so I don't think I will sleep much.  Shannon, I would love to see your bracelet when you are done, best of luck, Janie.edited by me for mistyping!!!!! janiefx39413.2303009259

Thanks, hopefully mine will turn out the same..I'll post a pic when im done.

Jane, Im sorry to hear about your son.  Did they put him on meds to prevent seizures?

Good morning all. I was just reading through the caffiene and inflammation
thread as I was slurping down the last of my large coffee of double shot
espresso this moring. Is there no enjoyment left in this life? Anyway, I hope
you all have a good day. Janie. I'm so sorry to hear you are struggling with
so many issues right now. I need to get to work this morning. Will be on

Sorry to hear of your son, Janie. I hope he gets better.

Well... daughter is off to school, hubby is at work, the cat is attacking a dust bunny (not really), son is asleep still, AND... I am headed back to bed myself!

I'll be back later today... I think... trying to find a life outside the board LMAO!

Shannon~those will be wonderful bracelets...I have to get back to work too.

Janie~I am so very sorry about your son....it is so hard when our kids are sick.  I can't imagine the fear!  I will keep sending prayers up.

Lori~slurp away if it doesn't bother you, cause there are benefits to coffee!

I am up with all intentions of going back to bed and sleeping.  Tummy feels a little better, and fever is down for now...hopefully it will stay!  I woke up in the middle of the night with horrible joint pain all over and my sinuses were hurting.  I did the wash, and the sinuses have calmed down, and took a pain pill.  DD is home sick with the flu again today, hate that!!!

Thanks Julie, Lorster and Shannon, he seems ok now, yes he has started meds, thank God.  Thanks for caring, love Janie.

Morning everyone.  I hope today turns out good for you all.

A bit rainy and dark and dreary here.  No snow yay.

Gotta call docs and try and get in soon.  That is if their computers are working today and they can make me an appt.  If not wait another day to make an appt.

Stay warm all.

Ugh. Why are you people up already?

Katie, I tried to put the pic in and it wouldnt let me.  Maybe look at it when you get home? 

I am home! LOL That's what kills me!!! Do you know how to do a print screen? [QUOTE=lorster]Good morning all. I was just reading through the caffiene and inflammation
thread as I was slurping down the last of my large coffee of double shot
espresso this moring. Is there no enjoyment left in this life? Anyway, I hope
you all have a good day. Janie. I'm so sorry to hear you are struggling with
so many issues right now. I need to get to work this morning. Will be on

Enjoy your coffee, in moderation.  Coffee has many health benefits; the inflammation risks are unproven.  Of course, if it bothers you, stop... but to me, the benefits and pleasure certainly outweigh the risks of moderate coffee consumption.

LOL yea i know how to print thats it.

KICK EM IN THE SHINS!!! KICK EM IN THE SHINS!!!Well the kitten just got popped, as she climbed the side of my chair. I am working from home today... the office is just too distracting, and my feet and hips are bothering me today.  I can kick back and work in my pajamas, robe and slippers, and drink decent coffee (the office coffee is like battery acid!!!). Oh do tell.....HOW do you know what battery acid tastes like?!?? [QUOTE=arriscolwell]Oh do tell.....HOW do you know what battery acid tastes like?!?? [/QUOTE]

Well, I'm guessing it tastes like sulfuric acid, which I've smelled before... and most of what you taste is actually in your nose, not on your tongue... so I'm making an educated guess.

I had the weirdest dream last night.  In it, my mom was spending the night and we were laying there talking in bed and all of the sudden I found my son's AMPUTATED LEG under the covers.  I pulled it out and I was saying, crying, "I remember kissing this foot when it was so little, and now look at it".  And I had laryngitis.  I mean, I actually woke up balling.

What a freak.


Something on your mind Link? That's a pretty intense dream!

Hmmmm.  Maybe it has to do with his wedding party coming up, you know, like, wow, my baby's all grown up.??

How can this be~ when it's 70 degrees outside I have the windows open and I'm wearing shorts.  But when it's winter and 70 degrees in my house, I'm still freezing cold wrapped up in a blanket? That just makes no sense.

G'mornin folks.

Shannon that is a very pretty bracelet.  Handmade gifts are the best.

Sorry you're hurting Katie - do you know what triggered this back pain?  Sure doesn't sound like fun.

I woke up with a stiff neck and shoulder for the last two days - wonder what I'm doing in my sleep???

Janie, I'm sorry to hear that your son was given a definite diagnosis of epilepsy.  I remember when you waiting to find out if that is what he had.  My FIL was an epileptic, and my BIL and neice are now.  It is always something I have been aware of as a possibility for my kids.  Shoot me a PM if I can help in any way.

Link, that dream must have been horrifying.  Having sons in the military must be sooo hard.  Hugs to you, Link  Hey karen...I haven't seen you in so long.  How's it goin?  Hope all is wellIt's going, it's going.  Can't stop it, so I go with it!You nailed the only thing I can think of as a cause Karen. The way I'm sleeping. It's so bad, would you believe I'm going to take the Mobic despite the upset stomach issues?? I'd rather have that, than deal with this pain. I want to rip my spine out!!!!!!! Take the Mobic with some good solid food and maybe that will help Katie.Janie, you will find so many people now who'll tell you, oh, my so and so has that.  You will hear so many encouraging stories and find that many many people who lead full happy lives have epilepsy, and they do just fine.  We have a story like that in our fam and so does Karen.  Their's two right here and that's just on this board!!Yuppers. That and a couple antacids! And I'll keep some rolaids on hand. Somethin's gotta give though!

Why do men randomly fall into bad moods? And how do you beat it out of them? LOL Justin's driving me crazy!

Katie, is the pain in your bone or the muscle around it?

I have no idea. I wish I knew. I know the flexeril isn't touching it though. Just say stupid thing sto him like...c'mon turn that frown upside down.  It's too silly to not make him crack up.  When my kids would get crabby when they were young, I used to tell them that I could make them smile in less than a minute.  Then I'd have a stare down with them.  NEVER failed.  They would end up smiling every single time.

Aw come on Katie, guys are allowed to have bad days too.  We don't have a monopoly on the market!

I find it usually has to do with something that's weighing on their mind, that they can't or won't verbalize.  It just sits inside and grows bigger, and bubbles out every once in a while, like a volcano!


Did you say you have a doc appointment coming up?

You're too young to have all these problems.Yup Karen. I know that's what it is. I just wish he'd explode already. I hate the grumpy portion! Yeah my RD appt is on the 28th of January. HAH. Katie, tell him that if he keeps making a crabby face it'll freeze that way

Can I have a piece?

Sure you can have a piece Karen...On the back it gives ideas for decorating it.  Just what it needs, frosting to add to the sugar content LOL  It is 2lbs of awesomeness


It is official! I am the only person in the history of the WORLD to get burned by a crock pot

I am making chicken & dumplings minus the chicken LMAO! I just want the dumplings. Them things are the best dough creation on earth other than doughnuts!

Tummy was doing better...so I ran to get a couple of fixes...took my tylenol first.  Lasted oh about half an hour, and then forgot to drop off movie.  Jumped in car to do that.  I could feel the energy draining.  I fixed the Christmas lights and took less than thirty minutes to decorate with what I have.  Then sat down to view things.  Now I am in pain again....stomach and joints.  Hate this thing.  I just want a life. 

Now that I am finished and gritting my teeth, which will add to the jaw pain....I am going to lay down and find a good old movie to colapse to.  Love ya all...sorry this one is selfish.

I am glad that everyone is up.  Katie take care of that back, and Jaz rest up...'cause I am affraid you all might be getting the storm after we are through with it.  We are supposed to have snow again!

I am sorry, Shelly


Too bad Shelly, hope you feel better soon.


I haven't been around for awhile well since I first got diagnosed last July so about a year.  I finally got over the initial melt down of diagnosis and have found a way to deal with this dang disease.  I am still learning to deal with the daily pain.  My family is adjusting, my teenagers have become automatic at picking me up off the floor when I forget I have RA and get down there to clean something.  My husband is still adjusting and has gotten better at not calling me a wimp when I complain.  My RD is still humoring me on trying not to go on stronger meds.  And dealing with my temper tantrums about taking so many drugs that I just stop taking them when I am suppose to.  I have been lurking for a few days and realized that I miss this support.  I was so overwhelmed in the beginning denial that I could actually have something so unpredictable I see new aspects to the thing everyday some of which I wonder can this be real or is it just my imagination.  I think ya'll might be able to help me sort that out.  Any way sorry for rambling look forward to hearing your stories and getting to know you better.

Ramble on!!  And welcome back to the board  What meds are you taking now?  I am still somewhat new to RA, it hit me hard, suddenly last Feb.  I take MTX and Enbrel and it does the trick pretty well.Thanks, for the welcome back.  I am currently on Sulfasalazine, naproxen, and davorcet for pain, I take synthroid for my thyroid and tylenol for grins and giggles.  hi EVERYONE, THANKS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT AND BACK UP, hILLHONEY AND LINC, I AM ESPECIALLY GRATEFUL TO YOU BOTH FOR YOUR OFFERS OF SUPPORT, sorry about the caps, I am half asleep.  I have an appointment today with my eye specialist due to episcleritis from RA and Glaucoma from steroids!!!!  Always something with this darn disease!!!!  Have a good night all of you, hugs Janie. 

Hey, glad you came back and that you joined us in the chat thread!  Is NV for Nevada?

I'll have to get me some tylenol, I like grins and giggles! 

Thanks for sharing Shannon!  Frosting on my piece please.  If I'm going out in a diabetic coma from this thing, let's make it worth it!


I'll put some sprinkles on it to while im at it..I think i have some Halloween colored ones

Well its bedtime here but hopefully it will be a pain free night for all.

Take care

pretty tree not looking forward to that chore.  Usually let the kids decorate it though so maybe it won't be so bad.  My girls are finally tall enough that the ornaments go all the way to the top.  We did have some years where the top was pretty bare.

the NV is not for nevada I am 4th generation Texan.  the nv is for mine and my husband first name initial.


Oh NO!  Not another Texan! 

Lisa, your tree looks very pretty!  You're really putting me to shame - I don't even feel like it's Christmas season yet!

We always go out and cut down our own tree, and it takes all day, because we are very picky, LOL.  We have gone to as many as 8 different tree farms before finding one we like.  We have cathedral ceilings, so we want a tall tree, and sometimes it is hard to find a nice one, honest! 

But we have lots of fun doing it as a family.  Then the decorating is typically done that night by all of us, with lots of good food to munch and we watch Christmas movies while we do it.  Since my "kids" are 23, 21 and 17, they get to do all the grunt work,

Our trees often are bare at the bottom because of pet intervention!  That's where we hang the unbreakable ornaments - but the tree still suffers from the swish of a dog's tail, or the whack, whack or a kitty paw.


Ok, pinnie! That is it! I am jealous! My tree has never looked like that EVER. Ok there was that one time... but... never again since! While you are visiting in NYC, shot on down to Alabama and come do my tree for me Oh pinnie, that's a sickeningly beautiful tree. LOL I'd take a picture of my cat-destroyed one, but quite frankly, I'm ashamed.

Joonie - I have to find New York first.....Which direction is ALabama

Katie- Our cat used to destroy our tree when she was little, now she just sleeps under it

Hillhoney, we normally have a real tree and i get fussy too but this year I havent the time . We get back form New York on the 16th Decemeber and I will have a ton of stuff to do so its a bit rushed this year

I did go to bed about an hour ago but i couldnt sleep, for some reason ( and its not pain or stiffness) im not sleepy.

Gorgeous tree pinnie.  Mine goes up next week while I'm off after surgery.  I'll direct the production from the couch

I love rice crispie treats.  They don't have them in Australia so when I make them everyone always thinks they are so exotic

I had my neurosurgeon appt yesterday and will be having an MRI on the 12th on my cervical spine to see exactly what the problem is and whether or not surgery is indicated.  Then I have an MRI on the 17th on my hip to see if I need to have the bursa removed.  Surgery is on the 3rd, GI specialist on the 5th, Rheumy on the 7th and Hematologist on the 14th.  And I've just agreed to make a Memorial Ablum for my 2 cousins BEFORE Christmas! 

Pammy, I have nothing else to say to you but WTF WERE YOU THINKING?!?! LOL

Just checking in to see how everyone's doing. I've had a rough couple of days again...not sure what this recent flaring is all about.

Anyway, I'm hittin' the hay early tonight, so hope to chat with ya'll tomorrow.
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