Back Pain and 20Qs | Arthritis Information

Share this back the heck do you tell if something is muscle related or bone/joint related? I feel like I'm living with a metal rod for a spine.

Hi Katie,

When I was on Mobic, I had such bad stomach pains they put me in the emergency room.  The doctor had me take Nexium every morning, and take Maalox every two hours.  Are you taking nexium or Prilosec now?

Sounds like your kitty is precious. :)


I still have some far as antacids, just the OTC stuff. Walmart knock off of Zantac, I believe. Get the generic Pepcid or Zantac extra-strength; you can take them a couple of times per day, with the NSAID.  I take naproxen with Prevacid, and if I'm out of prevacid I'll use one of the generic H2 antagonists (pepcid, zantac, etc).   You can also take Tums/Rolaids if the H2 antagonists aren't enough, and as a bonus they are also high in calcium. For some reason I had it in my head that you couldn't take an antacid pill with any other meds, because it would prevent your body from absorbing the medication. Am I nuts-o or what? That's only for antibiotics. [QUOTE=arriscolwell]For some reason I had it in my head that you couldn't take an antacid pill with any other meds, because it would prevent your body from absorbing the medication. Am I nuts-o or what? [/QUOTE]

Yes, you are nuts, but there are meds that you can't take with antacids (some antibiotics, iron preparations, others).  They will say so on the label.  NSAIDs are not in that list. You might try some Ben Gay/Icy Hot (or any menthol/salicylate cream) until you get the pain under control.  They offer a bit of relief.  Just don't use a heating pad with Icy Hot/Ben Gay - OUCH!  It can really irritate the skin, and the numbing action may mask the pain from a thermal burn until it's too late. JasmineRain39413.3378125Okay, that plan went kaput real fast. I have NO MEDS. Beh. S'ok I still have a couple refills at wally world. I called one in for the Mobic. I just can't get it until 1pm. I am NOT leaving the house twice in one day, so the grocery store is going to have to wait. I got a head start on the antacids though, and took my other meds. So I'm not a total bum...... About the back stretches: are you able to get down onto the floor?  For awhile I was doing pilates and there are a lot of great back stretches that helped me a lot.  However nowadays I can't get up once I get down there. LoL So I'd be glad to send you a couple if you can use them.  One thing I do while I'm sitting at my computer chair is to pull the abs in and slowly roll your spine back into an arch, and then slowly straighten again from the abs up.  It's important to tighten your abs first so that you don't injure your back. [QUOTE=amber]About the back stretches: are you able to get down onto the floor? [/QUOTE]

arriscolwell39413.3633680556 [QUOTE=arriscolwell]Okay, that plan went kaput real fast. I have NO MEDS. Beh. S'ok I still have a couple refills at wally world. I called one in for the Mobic. I just can't get it until 1pm. I am NOT leaving the house twice in one day, so the grocery store is going to have to wait. I got a head start on the antacids though, and took my other meds. So I'm not a total bum...... [/QUOTE]

Pick up some ibuprofen or naproxen (can't remember which one, if either, works for you).  If the mobic doesn't help, try the other NSAID.  You can take 2-3 ibuprofens 3-4 times per day.  You can also take 2-4 naproxens per day.  But DON'T take them all together!
Oh, and generic Mobic (meloxicam) is one of the prescriptions available at Walmart. Yeah that's why I'm gonna just get that. , I have. I do not. KWIM? lol

Mwahahahaha!!! I was looking for stretches for ya, Katie, and this is what I found:  (You'll get right on this, right?!?!)

OMG LMAO!!!! LoL that's a good one  Try laying in your bed on your back...bring your knees up to your chest and wrap your arms around your knees and hold like that for a while...and repeat a few times

hey, when I got into my car accident they gave me PT - and they taught me this.

Lie down and breathe out, extending stomach.

While breathing in; suck in as if you're pulling your belly button up to the back of your rib cage.  Be sure to pull in that extra smidge so you feel it. 

Repeat 10 times and slowly work up to 5 minutes.

Repeat while sitting.

Repeat while standing.

It strengthens the lower back support muscles.

Hope this helps,




Katie; I have horrible back problems at times. I have some disk problems and a couple times a year I'll do something that leaves me unable to move for days. IT doesn't take much to throw it out and theirs not much I can do about it once it happens. Other than that RA affects my back and I've noticed that keeping my RA under control make the most difference on a daily basis. I know that's not a lot of help right this minute for you; but I tell you this mainly thinking it might be time to reevaluate your meds.

Have they done any kind of test to determine what exactly is going on with your back? I had an MRI and it revealed a lot more than x-rays can show. It could help determine if this back problem is also causing the numbness in your feet/knees as well. It's very likely coming from as far up as your neck.

Hope you find something that helps soon. I know all too well how bad it can be.

Feel Better!


I have a great chair exercise that I do, and it releases the nerves running down the back.  It does give some relief, especially if the nerves are pinched. 

Sit in your chair, curve your back so you make a "C" shape, and then lift your legs and hold your legs there while holding the "C" shape.  You can point and pull in your toes if you can...if you can't just count to ten and relax.  Do this as many times during the day you need to...especially if it helps.  Let me know if this helps at all. 

Sorry your back is so crummy.  If it is your lower back then you are worring about money.  You have heard the saying, "He/she is just a tight a**"  Well, that is true...any time you are worrying about money...your glutes tighten.  Do some standing leg lifts to combat that as well as the pelvic tilt.  I know how it looks, but it is huge in relieving pain!!

My two cents!
