Can someone answer this?? | Arthritis Information


I havent had the common cold since I was diagnosed with RA?? I used to get at least one cold a year or a sinus infection or something like that. Is it the meds Ive been using or is it my immune system is out of whack? You'd think I would be catching everything. Im not saying I want to be sick I just find it a little odd.



I have no idea MO3. This past week, over thanksgiving holiday, my daughter was sick, then my son and now hubby is sick. They all have the virus that is going around. And I have not gotten it yet. My in-laws even got it over the weekend.

I guess our immune system is still over active, I know mine is, not taking much meds to surpress it right now.

Yeah... it is an enigma!

My guess would be your immune system. Until I was dxed, I had many and repeated sinus infections...I would basically get at least four a year with the change of season and they would last for three weeks.

Is you RA managed? If not, it could be that the meds aren't working properly yet too so the immune system is still crazy.

It is hard to say but I think definitely connected to your RA somehow.

Sometimes, it's just difficult to find real answers to thing which are happening to us. I would mention it o your GP and RD if you have not already.

its also possible that you are being more careful..washing your hands more, avoiding people with colds etc


I understand the subtle changes in your body that you are speaking of. I was diagnosed 17 years ago, and a common cold is a rare thing for me too STILL.  There are many things Doctors's will not agree on and tell you it's not related, but you know your body better than anyone else; try keeping some kind of journal.  I still get flu shots, even had a reaction to the newest, but colds, no. That's one good thing!


I have noticed the last few years that I haven't gotten the flu or the cold when everyone else gets them. I can't say I remember noticing before then though. But I also wondered if it was somehow related to my RA. I never get flu shots either and yet I never get sick?? My husband will always get sick, multiple times during the winter but none for me! (I can't really complain tho, I hate being sick)

Hiya, MOT! That's good news that you haven't been ill. :)  When I was living in TX, the change in the weather with a cold front would give me sinus issues. Now I don't have that problem and I just attributed it to living in CO (different climate and all). My baby had the flu last week and I got sick for a day or so, but luckily the prescription for Tamiflu knocked it out. I'm guessing that our immune systems all still overactive. I just hope the meds aren't masking any damage that's being done internally.

Hope you have a great day!

When my girls were little and they were catching everything that came along, I would get what they got, usually took longer to get it and then longer to get rid of it, but once their immune systems had built up immunity and they weren't catching everything at school, we haven't had as many colds. But I have become a fanatic about washing my hands, I've even gone so far as to open a disenfecting wipe product at the grocery store and wipe down my cart if someone coughs on it. FYI, I buy the box. The girls know they have to tell me if they think they're coming down with something, now if I could just get DH to do it.


Enjoy it!  I seem to still be catching every little thing, but I am not in control either.  I would celebrate, 'cause we all know that we have had our fair share of colds and flu's!

The last few years I have been in excellent health, never catching anything even living/sleeping with my husband when he would have the most awful colds.  I thought it was because I was no longer working/stressed/exposed to multiple germy people.  But my husband kept catching 2-3 colds a year even after retirement.  I now think it's because my immune system was overactive, protecting me from those bugs.  I'm wondering how this winter will go now that I'm on the meds to suppress it some.  The RD said it will only make my immune system more like normal, not make me more vulnerable, so we'll see.  I get the flu shot every year anyway.  I know drug companies say the meds make us more prone to infection, but my RD says that's put on there for legal protection and it's not a common problem overall.  I hope we both continue to enjoy excellent resistance.

Sometimes your immune system attacking you can cause odd things to happen from odd swellings to colds that aren't really colds etc.

I get what seems like a cold but is actually filled with allergy symptoms even though the doctor said i don't have allergies.  I get the "cold" when around cig smokers.

Your body can cause the strangest things.  Maybe having your immune system shut down allows your body not to attack you.

I really am good about the handwashing thing now than ever. Maybe that extra antibacterial lotion and soap and bleach in my dishwater maybe that all has something to do with it. Anyway Im really glad I dont get sick like that anymore. Im just in pain all the time now I dont know which would be worse. I think I would take a cold once a year than RA and fibro.  I really believe its our overactive immune systems.  It's a weird RA bonus, but I guess we have to take 'em where we can!

But I thought when you take Humira,Enbrel and some of the other dmards that it weakens our immune system. I used to avoid people who were sick afraid I may get something but I never did. Hm.....



I have noticed I do not get sick either.  Who knows, maybe I am more careful but I doubt that.  I am home all the time.  I attribute it to that.  I do get a lot of rashes and swollen lymph glands.  I just blame that on the multiple meds I am on.  They can't be good for you but it is better than giving up on fighting RA/Fibro - I guess.  Sometimes I wonder

