how bad’s it gonna get? | Arthritis Information


I need honest truth, pretty sure I have RA now, what am I dealing with -is it all over?  I feel the sickest I've ever felt with fear
I've read ALL the info and it sounds majorly grim - also read that the more joints are involved the worse it's going to be, so I've had it because so far its been both wrists, knees, shoulders, ankles,feet, knuckles and both sides of my jaw!!

I wish i didn't stay in the UK, coz right now I just want to hide under one of your beds and never come out again!

Hi Julie,

being dx'd with RA is scary, but the more you know about it, the less scary it will be.  the people here will help you.  Everyone is so understanding and knows so much from personal experience.  Once you get on the right meds, things will get better.  Hang in there, we're here for you. 


Julie,  IT DOES GET BETTER.  I PROMISE.  There are good days and bad days.  The beginning is the worse.  It is so scary and the pain is more intense than anything I have ever experienced.  The good news is you develop coping skills.  You have a wonderful hubby that you need to lean on.  Do you have pain killers?  It does not treat the disease but it will help you cope so you can seek help for treatment.  Julie, come here and cry all day long if you like.  I have spent whole days on this board venting.  It somehow makes it a little better knowing there are people that understand.  Please know, you will not always feel as bad as you do now.  Read some of the posts on here.  So many people are living normal lives with ra.  I hear the beginning is the worst.  The jaw pain has to be horrible.  I have never experienced that but there are people on here that have.  Stay close to this board and don't give up.  There is such good advice here and much sincere love and compassion.  IT WILL GET BETTER. 

This disease can be managed and slowed down with the right combo of prescribed meds. Many people live productive lives with RA. 

I have a severe case (because I waited way too long before going to dr). Yet I am happy and not suffering now. So.....hang in there.  You will be ok.  I PROMISE!!!

PS. I have some room for you under my bed. Need a Hawaii vacation?  :-)

Hulagirl38589.4058101852I just had to respond to this.  There is hope 3-1/2 years ago I could barely take care of my children let alone maintain my job.  Thank goodness my boss was very understanding.  In the last year I have worked 45-55 hours a week, studied 10-15 hours a week (passed a major life changing exam).  I also have two small children and a husband who is on disability because of his ra (he wouldn't go to the doctor for over a year.)  Other than the occasional aches and pains I feel the best I have in years. I have even finally gotten off my antidepressant.  It does get better, don't give up hope.  ONce the meds start kicking in things get better.Welcome Julie!

After having RA since 1993, I had felt my worse back then when I was diagnosed. Now after years of meds and starting Humira almost a month ago, I feel better than I have in MANY years. It's worse at first, but you can get better! Hang in there.

Hey Julie.

IF you need to hide under a rock be sure it is a soft place full of pillows and nice warm blankets.I think we have all felt that way I know I have.Just hang in there.I have heard alot of people get releif from meds. I hope that you get some help very soon.Try not to read too much stuff til you know for sure and even then don't overwhelm yourself with too much info.You have enough to deal with just coping with pain.

Now a days most doctors will start you out on fairly aggressive treatments. When I started out they didn't do that. They slowly let you work out of all the weaker medications and eventually moved you up to more aggressive treatments once they realized the other's weren't working. They've found now that this is not the best way to handle it.

Trust me; everyone here has been right where you are Julie. Whether it's been 3 months, 6 months...11 years or 25 years we've all experienced exactly what you're feeling. You probable won't believe it right now; but evenutally you'll get over that part. Your mind control will help you alot. I won't for one minute say "It's all in your mind" but I'm a firm believer that your mind controls a great deal and you have the power to control your mind. (I'm the postive Preacher around here...we've got to have one, ya know?)

HEY: Welcome #1radpe...haven't seen you here before. We're glad you're here with us. I hope you'll become an active member of our group. Sure does sound like you know exactly where we're at.


I have been sick for 15 years now. I have never given up the fight against feeling better.  It is hard to fight sometimes when it seems the whole world is against you. The hardest thing to deal with when having a illness that doesn't go away or one that "no one sees". Is that there is no end to this madness. I want a illness that has a pill that will make me well. Or I want an illness that has a beginning and an ending. At least that is how I feel about it.

When I first got sick, I never thought I would sometimes feel worst now than when I first got sick. But I still do. And I am still trying to find the right meds to get me to the "feeling better" point. So when the docs ask me about depression I always says wouldn't you be depressed if you had a illness that is disabling you to do what you want to do and wouldn't you be depressed if you didn't look sick to your family and friends. The one I hate the most is "I can't do what I want to do". I want to go and mow the yard, I want to stand and cook supper, I want to stand and do the dishes, I want to get a job and help with the finances, I want to just be able to do the little things that we take for granted. I hate this stuff and I want it to end.  But that is not going to happen. So I have to learn to accept the little things that I can do around here. And accept that I can at least go to the grocery store and use a wheelchair to get around.

I hate it, I hate it, I hate it.  Does anyone get the picture? I hate it!

What medications are you on now RLS2? And what ones have you tried over the last 15 years?


What progress have you made in getting your doctors to listen to you?  Have you at least gotten some prednisone?  We need to get someone to give you meds to begin your recovery!


I was diagnosed almost 3 years ago, and I remember how you took my doctor 5 weeks to determine that I had RA and for 5 weeks I didn't sleep, couldn't eat, everything ached the pain was so intense I sat in a chair night after night for 5 solid weeks! It was the worse time in my life.

But, there is hope, so don't give up..once your medication starts to work and the inflammation, pain and stiffness will be better. It may not be life as it was before but it can still be good. Thank God for the good days and pray through the bad ones...that is what I do!!

We are here for you!!

It all started with me getting a new knee in my right leg. I have osteo real bad and so that was a must. But I was never able to return to work again. Over the years I have tried motrin and am allergic to meds like it. So the inflamatories are out. I finally have a doc who will work with me. And now after all these years I am going to go the the Rheumy next month. I told the doc that I did not want another pain pill I wanted to go to see a rheumy. So now I am waiting to go there and see what this guy has to say. I do go to a pain management doc. I think I have posted in here that I do have a pain pump and take pain meds alot. They have also diagnosed me with FMS,Chronic Pain,Oa,. I also have diabetis which I just got about a year ago. It stems from not being able to be physically active. So I am also on 4 shots of insulin aday. But after reading so much on here about prednisone, I asked my doctor to put me on it for a while and boy does it make me feel better. I am still having to use the Actiq suckers for pain also though. My GP suggested that I may get on Enbrel after I go to the Rheumy. I take muscle relaxers, anti depressants, blood pressure meds. thyroid meds, and zanax to help me sleep at night. I also have rls that is RESTLESS LEG SYNDROME.  Which in layman terms is the hibby gibby's in your legs. I have dealt with the pain in my back and legs for years and I use one pain med until my body gets use to it and then I use a different one for awhile.  I hope this answers your question. I seem to be brain dead today. Sorry![QUOTE=julie]I need honest truth, pretty sure I have RA now, what am I dealing with -is it all over?  I feel the sickest I've ever felt with fear[/QUOTE] Hey Julie, have you ever been tested for SSA or SSB? (might have different
codenames in the US ) It's a blood test for Sjogren's syndrome, I just
thought of it in the other thread when you mentioned skin rashes. Skin
rashes that resemble the butterfly rash, or appear as broken cappilaries or
little bumps under the skin are apparantly pretty common in sjogren's, as is
joint and muscle pain, hotness and stiffness. Also a host of other things like
fatigue and dry eyes and mouth and stuff. It might be something to check
out next time you're at the doctors. Over here in Australia no one seems to
know anything about it though! I think it's a misunderstood autoimmune
syndrome. I shouldn't feel sorry for it, but I do