So frustrated | Arthritis Information


Hi All,

Just found these boards and wanted to say hi.  I am a 44 yo mom of 2 who has just been diagnosed with OA with bone spurs in both knees, they are still testing me for RA.  A year ago I was fine, climbing stairs with ease walking fine, then it happened.  I "thought" I over rotated a kick while kickboxing and came to find out it was more than that.  I had arthro on my right knee to clean it up and injections of Euflexxa on the left (not working) have taken Naproxyn and Rellafen, both with no relief.  I am so depressed because I can barely walk and cannot do things that I used to enjoy.  When I bring it up to the MD's they basically tell me suck it up this is the way it is.  I mean is this the way it will always be or can they dop something for the constant pain?  I feel like they just don't get it

Thanks for letting me vent






Sorry to hear of your pain. Before I just "sucked it up", I would get a second opinion and possibly a third.



Unfortunately, with these diseases we're expected to suck up a lot.  No fun, I tell you, no fun at all.  I would also seek a second opinion and realize that if one drug doesn't work, maybe another will.  We're all so different -- and different drugs can affect us differently.

I have quite a bit of OA/DDD/spinal stenosis in my back -- and there's a lot of sucking up -- but there are also better days scattered in there, too.

Hope you get the right answer.


Hi everyone.  I am 66 yrs old and was very active up until a year ago and my hands started waking me up at night with pain, next thing I knew was they were curved in and looking very old and with a lot of pain.  This has gone from my hands to my knees, ankles and feet.  My shoulders also are affected and I have never been so miserable in my whole life.  If I go out to eat I can hardly get out of the chair and can hardly walk out and its painful and embarassing.  I don't sleep nights because pain keeps waking me up.  I have an appointment with a rhuemotologist coming up but this will be the third one I have gone to.  It seems that shots and pain medication are the answers.  Yes I am complaining but also was wondering if anyone else is suffering from it this much.  Thanks for listening.

I'm a bone spur queen -- with them in my toes, heels, spine, hands, etc.  You have to suck up a lot.  I take an occasional pain pill when the going gets rough, but it just takes "the edge off."  Sometimes that "edge" can make a world of difference.

Hope you get your answers soon.

Hi Japage:
I have the same issues you have, severe osteoarthritis of my hands and fingers are terrible looking and crooked.  I have had pain and disabilities for years.  I had both hips replaced together ten years ago and it took forever to get off my crutches.  I lost a sr. housing management job because they hated that I still was not "perfect"..... My ankles and feet throb all the time.  I have not been diagnosed with RA, however; think I do have it and so does my primary care.  My RA factor was 8 and under 14, according to the labs is within range.
As for pain, I have ibs and cannot take any anti-inflamatory meds., or aspirin.  The only thing that helps me is vicodin, the lowest strength and I take literally crumbs at a time as I am not a big medication taker as I also get migraines from it if I take too much.  I barely sleep, and fall asleep  with soft gel ice packs on my feet, ankles and knees.  It seems that being imobile is as bad as walking too much.  The way I take my vicodin is by cutting it with a pill cutter and taking it with some food every two hours, never more then 1/8 of a pill at a time. Let me know if I can help with anything else...
hi sorry to hear about your pain.  I am a mother of 4 and 42 years old. I love to water ski and run.  I can't do either of them anymore.  I have struggled with depression over this a lot too.  It may sound wierd but if i go to a tanning salon once a week the light from the tanning bed helps releive the depression some.  I feel like you do that when you are asking your doctor for help they just kind of say sorry and give you a new perscription.  Hope things get better.  I've had OE in small finger joints for several years.  Recently found a plant derived suppliment in which has helped me manage pain without the need for drugs.  It contains things like Resveratrol, Phytosterols, Turmeric rhizome, Resveratrol, Proprietary Protease Blend.  Name of the suppliment is bounceback.  Check with your docter, see if it is something they would recommend in your situation.