tried the ES/HP thing on my OA | Arthritis Information


Last night, my daughter said she wanted an epsom salt/hydrogen peroxide soak/fizz so I got everything ready.

Then, she had a complete meltdown because she got in trouble and she never gets in trouble, really.  She said she just wanted to go to bed.

I've been working a lot lately, on my feet most of the day, and my OA has been bothering me.  The toe joint that had the injection is tolerable, but the one on the other foot has woken me up in the night a few times.

So, I decided not let the nice warm saltwater go to waste....let me tell anyone who has not tried this, it is GREAT!  The soak felt so good, I was amazed.

I also decided there was nothing to lose by seeing what happened when I added HP.  I poured it over the worst joint.  No fizz.  Poured it over the other.  No fizz.  But when I put my feet back in the saltwater, it was the strangest sensation.  The joint areas where the HP went felt sort of numb, as if they had been iced or something.  

I'm really glad I did it.  I didn't have any foot pain all night long.   

Suazanne, thanks for the update. I haven't done a fizzle bath for a while, but last time I did it i was still getting serious fizz on my hands. It's so mysterious.