Sort of OT - Brushing your teeth | Arthritis Information


Okay, so this may be a weird's sort of a several-parter....

What do you use to brush your teeth? Manual or electric, and what kind of toothpaste?

Since being DXed, did you have to change what you use due to sensitivity, or because of the addition of S.S, etc?

Part of why I wonder is cause I remember how a lot of people think they can link their original flare to something like an abscessed tooth, or a bad root canal, etc.

I've started to notice that not only do my gums get sensitive when I'm PMSing (ALWAYS have) but they do it before I flare!!!! What on earth would that connection be??

For me, I've always used a regular manual toothbrush and some kind of whitening toothpaste (it doesn't really whiten, btw, but I'm addicted to buying it...LOL) I was always afraid of buying an electric toothbrush because I was afraid it would hurt. Well I would have never tried one, but I signed up for this crazy site to do surveys for, and they sent me one for FREE to try. And ya know what? It feels BETTER than a manual!!!!

Anyways, I think I've always had good oral hygiene, I've never even had a cavity. But now that I look back at all the times I would start to panic that something was wrong with my teeth or my mouth, it was right around the time of a flare.

Am I nuts?!?!?
I doubt that you are nuts, Katie.

All I can say is that I have had many tooth problems over the years and now I put it down to the RA and it being difficult for me to self care at times.

I do find it very difficult to use a manual toothbrush because of my RA. I  have found the electric ones much easier to use and less painful on my hands.

As for my mouth being more sensitive due to the RA, well probably, it hurts everywhere else so why not in my mouth too. That's an interesting thought.  I have had tooth pain for several years but the dentist can never find anything wrong.  I wonder if it's yet another wonderful RA symptom?   Katie. I use a sonacare toothbrush and I have for several years. I had a lot
of cavities in the late 90's and have had them all fixed, I contribute my RA to
poor dental health as well as other issues. I'm on my third day of a
headache/flare and I think it is because one of my crowns was damaged
during my last surgery and now, the root is dying and I will probably need a
root canal. When I get a toothache, I always get a headache and feel like I'm
flaring. I really do think there is a tooth/body connection and good dental
health is so important for everyone, AI disease or not. I also have to use
sensitivity toothpast. Something that I learned recently is that if your
sensitivity toothpaste stops working, switch brands and just keep swapping
as each brand works a bit differently and it really works. My dentist told me
this. Man amber, that is a whole new thought. I hope that is why I'mhaving
headaches right now as I'm scared to death at the thought of a root canal.

I didn't know sensitive teeth were linked to RA! I had to get a RX toothpaste for sensitivity because nothing else has worked. My teeth hurt ALL the timeand I have had no cavities or anything.

But I know a lot of the time they hurt because of my sinus problems.

Amber  do you get sinus infections? Maybe thats why your teeth hurt too?

I have sensitive teeth, but so far I haven't felt the need to get sensitivity toothpaste, however I do rinse with warm water instead of cold.

I definitely use a manual toothbrush.  I am very sensitive to vibration (as well as light, temperature, humidity and sound) and using the electric is like torture.

Although I've had plenty of problems with my teeth, so far I haven't noticed any correlation with the onset of symptoms or a flare.  But I wouldn't be surprised if it's related for at least some people.

Good thread Katie- Our teeth affect our well being and good dental hygiene is so important. I have seen a dentist every 6 months since i was 4 years old but as I got older and since my RA my teeth have suffered. I have had 9 abcess's and all root canaled. I use a manual tooth brush as i hate the feel of electric ones in my mouth and i use aquafresh standard toothpaste. My Sjogrens has made it uncomfortable to brush my teeth as my mouth is so dry and sore.

I do have my teeth cleaned by a hygienist

I also use a Sonicare, just bought a new one yesterday and I brush with Sensodyn. My teeth have gotten more sensitive in the past year. The oldest DD uses those crest white strips and has beautiful WHITE teeth, which I was really envying, but she said not to do it because it makes your teeth really sensitive. So I asked the dentist about it and she said white strips wouldn't work on my teeth because the stains are too old and yes it would make my teeth more sensitive. After you use the Dentist's bleaching trays they give you stuff to kill the sensitivity, but for 0, I decided to forget it. I don't want my teeth any more sensitive than they are. I'll just finish another cup of coffee and keep my mouth shut.Hiya, Katie! I got myself one of those spinbrushes and I LOVE it! I think you can even get them in extra soft.

I had no problems with my teeth until RA.  I have had two root canals, one the impetus for my onset of RA, at least the onset that hospitalized me and another that took forever to heal.  Sadly, I now need two root canals, maybe the prednisone but I am going to have the teeth pulled.  I hate it.  I loved having a pretty smile but my luck with root canals has been to say the least bad since RA.

I love my electric tooth brush.  I have a shower chair in the shower and I sit there to brush my teeth.  It makes me brush longer and it is not a chore.  I also just love my shower chair.  I actually shower more.  Before that chair - ewwwwwwwww

Christina - I also have problems with my sinuses.  Deviated septum that causes them.  Anyway, I learned that sinus infections will infect your gums.  The oral surgeon I went to see a couple months back was the second dentist to tell me my need for root canals are probably from my sinuses.  Who would have thought??????

Prednisone is very hard on the teeth.  I finally got off prednisone.  I am told most of my problems are fibro.  I didn't know that fibro could be so debilitating.

roxy39415.4697800926I don't have sinus infections, just occasional, unexplained tooth pain.  Weird stuff.  Well, I guess it's all related.

Holy crap.....I'm NOT crazy???


I have nasty sinus problems too! And the only real tooth pain I face as of late, is my final 2 wisdom teeth. Can you believe those stupid POSes are still coming in???

The new toothbrush I got was a sonicare too. It's a brand new one, I was kinda scared to use it cause I was afraid of the vibration too......buuuuuuttt. OMG WHY DIDN'T I GET ONE SOONER??? I really feel like I'm FINALLY cleaning my teeth! And it doesn't bother me, except that my lips feel kinda numb when I'm finished.

With a manual toothbrush, I can only push so hard, and for so long. With this one, it has a 3 minute max car setting, so I just let it run and it doesn't hurt my hands at all. I'm really impressed.


I have to admit though, I sure am glad I didn't have to pay for it. The prices on these things are INSANITY. 8!?!?!? Are they kidding?? When I submit my report, I'm gonna tear them a new one about that price. What a rip.

Roxy-I had my deviated septum fixed and my sinuses drained. Best thing I have ever done!

After that my sinues infections decreased. Iwas getting one like every month or so. I felt so good after the surgery. I get them occasionally now.

If only I could have gotten a nose job with it like most people LOL

I'm still asking that question. I'm dreading the letter that says I have to return the damn thing. LOL I joined this website that does product surveys, and they always send you a sample. I mean, I've gotten like...a pack of gum, a magazine, listerine whitening strips, stupid stuff ya know? And then I get this "would you like to be part of the sonicare campagin?" I'm like why the hell not? LoL So I signed up. And it never tells you what you're getting, so I'm expecting like a coupon or no, I got the whole frickin brush!


I used to get sinus infections CONSTANTLY. I mean, I'd get over one, and I'd have another. I've stopped getting them recently (within the past 2 years) and the only thing I can link as to WHY, is that my acid reflux was "resolved" with the eleminating of dairy, and I stopped sleeping with a fan on me at night. Other than that, I have no idea why I would have had the sudden change. Except that I started flaring around the same time I stopped getting sick. I used to be sick every weekend, no joke. So maybe I just want to keep flaring........LOL

lol  I would stick with that website. Who knows what else you are going to get!

I use a Braun electric (rotary) and have for a couple of years. I LOVE it! It lets you know in 30 second increments when you have brushed for the recommended 2 minutes. I love the way my teeth feel, just like I've had them cleaned by a hygienist.

I used Colgate Total Care (I think). and it really does whiten my teeth, too. Last time I saw the hygienist, about 4 months ago, she said there was no plaque for her to clean off. I really attribute that to the elect. toothbrush.

I am also very compulsive about taking care of my teeth and gums. I have Sjogren's, too and it is absolutely necessary to take good care of your teeth with it. When I first started getting the dry mouth, several years ago, I had 6 gumline cavaties just from a dry mouth!

I don't really know anything about the connection to RA, but Sjogren's really is very hard on your teeth and gums!

Slightly off topic, here, but has anyone else with Sjogren's found that their skin is EXTREMELY dry? I can't seem to keep it from drying out, no matter how much lotion, etc, I use on my skin.


Meh, off topic it away Nini! lol

How dry must one be, in order to have SS? I don't think I've ever asked that. But I always have dry skin, and I'm ALWAYS drinking something, cause my mouth gets dry. And my eyes are always scratchy (but I've learned which eyelashes to pull to make them water when I need to

Ask you RD next time you are in. There are products that help a little with the dry eyes and mouth. They are supposed to help, anyway. But if I don't have a bottle of water with me I sound like I have a speech impediment, cause my lips stick to my teeth and my voice is really hoarse!

I keep stuff for dry mouth anyway. Hehe. Here's a question..........can the dry mouth cause bad breath??