Interrupting the bitching to ask... | Arthritis Information


 at what point do I start to think I have fibro as well?
I hurt everywhere. I know he's only 2 but everytime Jake bumps me or accidently kicks me I want to go through the roof..

But I dont have the "trigger points, I dont think..

I just hurt all over and I am so tired I can't stand it.

Any ideas?


Back to your regularly sceduled unpleasantness.

Kathy go get checked hon, what about your thyroid??  Maybe there is a problem there, when your thyroid is off balance it can cause more pain to arthritis sufferers.  I am sorry you are hurting so.  meme


Let us know.

Take care

Oh, no.... great question Kath, but I'm starting to think maybe I have fibro, too?

I'm sorry you're hurting and I hope it gets better soon. Make sure you let your RD know how you've been feeling. Hope you have a superfantastic and as comfortable as possible day! Keep smiling!!

Kathy...I am so sorry you're in such pain. I really can't give you much in the way of info on fibro...I just wanted to let you know you're in my thoughts and prayers...hope you get some relief soon.  Kathy, my doctor also suspects FM even though I don't have any trigger points.  At least I don't think I do based on what I've read.  He never checked anything, just decided on it by my migrating muscle soreness and spasms I guess.  The good news is, according to what I've read, FM is not a dangerous disease so that's one less thing to worry about.  I hope you get the answers you need soon.

LMAO  Kathy - you bring to this a much needed sense of humor and appropriate sarcasm.  I did not know I had the trigger points until a doctor - without me knowing what she was doing - got behind me and pressed on them.  I cannot tell you exactly where she pushed - around my shoulders - but I fell off the table.  Ask your doctor to sneak up on you LOL You will KNOW you have it.  Sounds like you do.  I always tried to blame my problems on RA but I am now finding out that fibro is very debilitating - it is just not validated like RA.  Have you tried Lyrica?  It has helped me a lot.  I am at 150 mg.  It makes you very sleepy so I take it at night.  You can go all the way to 600 mg.  I am on my way there.  Look forward to it.  Wayney posted on the other board that Lyrica and prednisone can have bad interactions.  It is on the 4RA Talk board if you want to check it out.  I wish you would post pics of your little ones.  I am senile but how did you end up with Jake?  (Love that name)

PS  My very prestigious rheumatologist (she has won all these awards and is also a researcher) says that fibro also effects the joints.  Confusing enough???????



Is this a new very prestigious rheumatologist, or is it the one that fired you in October because of the oxytocin problem???

P.S. For more info on that little situation you can search on 4RATALK.

Roxy, can you post a link to the information about reactions between Lyrica and pred?  I know a lot of us here are on both, at least some of the time.Toxy. Roxy has made an honest attempt to offer advice based on her
experience with Fibro and Lyrica. Let it go. You have some issues.okay here is a dumb question but I keep reading the fibro reference in several of the threads the past few days.  What is fibro, I know that it is fibromialga (i know i spelled it wrong.) But when i google it I don't really get any specific symptoms.  Like I said dumb question but I thought I would ask anyway.


You are right. I do have issues with Roxy/Ginger's credibility. And I will continue to point out any I see. Feel free to keep attacking me. I can take it.

Roxy has an oxytocin problem? Hmmm you know so much, Toxy.Oxytocin is to stimulate breast milk, right? lol I didn't know Roxy was


There was an incident, she posted all about it on 4ratalk. It is right there on the internet for all to see. She posted her doctor fired her and I was wondering if her prestigious doctor was a new one or the one that fired her in October per her posts. LOL!!!! I guess my doctor is prestgious also!!! Plenty of Drama to read that she posted on 4ratalk. that is how people caught on to her being Ginger here. She posted there until Nov. 17th and then they tried t politely discourage her posting and she got mad and left and VOILA she is back here. She did delete her last few posts there where she was critisized(sp?) for her posts.

I googled fibro yesterday as I was reading one of joonies posts. I am
questioning if I have fibro and am going to ask my doctor to test my tender
points or whatever they are called. I have a lot of sharp pains that just occur
at anytime, day or night. Also, they were saying that when pain in more
severe in the morning, could be fibromyalgia. There are a lot of symptoms
and there is the one treatment, Lyrica that is showing promise in treating
fibro. I think fibromyalgia is gaining more recognition in the medical
community. Sorry about that Lorster, I think you know what I meant , buT Thank you for pointing out my ERROR. I am sure you are good at that.LMAO!!!

And yet AGAIN, another thread hi-jacked by crap.

I am so sorry, Kathy. Apparently when you added the last part of your post, people assumed they could go back to bickering here instead of where they had been.

Anyways, I hope you find the answers you are looking for. I'm sorry I wasn't able to provide them myself. Have a superfantastic day!



Kathy. I am sorry the thread is now all jacked up. The Roxy gestopo has
infiltrated the board so now that Roxy is back, they will be here to censor
her posts. We will just have to work around it. People are going to post if
they want, despite what else is going on on the board. Mom, I think Lyrica, according to the commercials on TV, is offering overall
relief from fibro, many of they symptoms.

I have a question about Fibro. Can frequent headaches be a symptom of
fibro?Lorster I think I read that somewhere about the headaches or migrains as it was. I will go see if I can find it again.

Here is the link to what I read about headaches & Fibro, Lorster. This is also the site where I discovered TMJ was probably what I had in my right side of my jaw. adaches.html


How severe is Fibro pain? Or is that something that varies like the RA pain? I mean, is it "don't touch me or I'm going to bite your face off" pain? And then.....aside from being able to tell the two apart -


ug...lemmie think of how to ask this....


when you knee hurts - for example - and its RA hurts INSIDE (at least for me) But then other times, it hurts on top, and below, and above, and on allllll sides. KIWM? Is that just an extention of the RA pains?


I just confused myself. *sigh* Sorry!

There's a possibility that you're dealing with PMR (polymyalgia rheumatica). Katie, I don't think FM pain is always horrible, at least in my case it's not.  That's assuming of course that the muscle spasms are the FM as my RD suspects. The muscle weakness and deep ache, that's awful but I think that's the AI disease. It's so hard to sort out which is FM and which is AI and with all of us having different experiences, good luck to us all in trying to figure it out. 

Yeah it is hard to tell which is worse, BUT you sure can tell when both are acting up at the same time. It is like pain & torture non-stop and the only thing to make it all go away is... muscle relaxers & pain meds. Or for me 2 shots in the ass that totaled close to ,000!


Yeah, I've wanted to bite some faces off when I just had fibro, before the RA.  See, that sounds like a nerve is being pinched. But what makes it hard to tell, is how vauge the discriptions are for Fibro. There are so many OTHER things it could be. So my back and neck issues....there seems to be no real reason for them. Does that mean its Fibro? See where I'm going here?

Katie, my fibro pain can be so bad that I can't stand to be touched at all! It really is a nasty pain that I used to try to run away from, but there is no getting away from it.

I'm so glad that Lyrica is working for some of you! I tried it and it made me feel terrible. Felt like I was stoned, heart beating too fast and depressed, all at once. And it didn't do anything for the pain!

I often forget that I have fibro, even though it was diagnosed quite a while before the RA, and I know that it causes a lot of pain. There are so many other problems with my bones, joints, nerves, that I just don't even think about it anymore. I still have the pain, but I guess I just stopped analyzing it all the time. I also have neuropathy, so I never am sure which problem is causing the pain, anyway.

I hope Lyrica works for those of you with fibro. It would be great to have a successful med for it!

Have a good night, all!

My rheumy diagnosed polymyositis as one of my mixed connective tissue disorders, which is very painful. 

Polymyositis and dematomyositis are disorders of the body's connective tissues, which include tendons, ligaments and the dense sheets of collagen-based tissue that cover the ends of the muscles.

These diseases cause swelling and tenderness in the muscles (polymyositis) and sometimes the skin (dermatomyositis). The disease causes weaknesses in the arms and legs.

Just another chocolate in my box of Gumpies

I have no clue  I have wandering muscle spasms,  I'm so irritable I want to kill everyone, and my brain has turned to mush..

I'm used to the MTX fog, but this is ridiculaous. I even wrote a note to Ally's teacher explaining that I'm actually NOT a dithering idiot, I just play one in real life.

Please guys, play nice. I'm so embarrassed for all of the people who bicker.. its sad and  I'm sure each and everyone of you who are continuing the squabbling would be embarrassed at your actions if you had to show your mother or grandmother  how you are acting..I just know that individually I would probably like each of you.. so  please let out your better self.

Please stop..


One more thought about distinguishing fibro....I read a good book when I was first diagnosed that I'd like to recommend:

The First Year: Fibromyalgia, An Essential Guide for the Newly Diagnosed by Claudia Craig Marek

I don't see it on my bookshelf now so it must still be in a box of unpacked books since my move.  But it definitely went into detail about symptoms and related conditions (of which there are many).  Sometimes I felt like the author's tone was a bit condescending, but overall it was a lot of good information.
