Sides ache ... RA symptom? | Arthritis Information


Hey All,

About a month ago I reduced my MTX from 25 mg to 17mg, injectable.  I've noticed now that by my weekly injection day that I'm feeling pain around my sides and outside ribs.  Doesn't get worse when taking a deep breath.  This is new for me as previous RA pain has not included my torso area.  Anyone had any RA pain in this area?  Trying to get an idea if it's RA related or not.

Thanks for you thoughts,
- Joy

P.S.  In case you're wondering, we've reduced the MTX in hopes to reduce my hair loss.  :( 
Joy39415.6946064815Can't help you on this one Joy but I have noticed that I am feeling more and more stiff in the muscles..
Dosen't feel like RA but then it could be, dunno.
Thanks Stephen. 

Before I was diagnosed I had a lot of muscle pain in my arms and neck and some tendinitis in my knee.  There is definitely a correlation between muscle and tendon pain and RA, and I'm just wondering if anyone has experienced it in the chest/torso area.

Then again, maybe we're just getting old. ;)
Is it in your ribs or in the muscles?  I have rib pain occasionally that comes from RA.  It was super scary when it first started. Hmm, not sure.  I'm suspecting ribs because the pain doesn't change if I inhale  -- which would use muscle.

And, Amber, I'm voting for poodles=weird religious cult.