Joint heat and arriscolwell | Arthritis Information


In the eaglepi post trying to sell the heat wraps, arriscolwell asked why I wasn't giving eaglepi grief. Here is the trueth, right arriscolwell? When he first came here to spam, myself and other AI members gave him grief about spamming, including arriscolwell. eaglpi gave arriscolwell and 4 other sushi member a free product, arriscolwell deleted her negative post about eaglepi and became his biggest ally. My mindset is if you are going to pay off the members of AI to advertise here, you have to give every member of AI a free product, not so arriscolwell, she got hers and that's enough. I'm so glad you brought this up arriscolwell, it so reinforces your lowlife status. Keep in mind when you see the first post by arriscolwell that's deleted, a free product changed her opinion, so cheap she can be bought. Click here, it's long, but worth the read, some more AI history, catch up. An informed member is a valuable member: 90&KW=eaglepu&TPN=1


After yet another one of LevLarry's posts going on and on and on about all the evil people here at AI, is there really any doubt that he's an unhinged, unbalanced individual?

Lev, I'm sure if you actually have any real interactions with people you don't rant abusively like this, which means you know better. And if you do rant like this in day to day life then you probably don't have any family or friends (which wouldn't surprise me).

Why don't you get a life? They're actually quite enjoyable. Try one.
Well I still don't get why he isn't all over that post. Lev's supposed to be soooooooooooooooooooooooo against spam, right?

God's can never do wrong.  They know what's best for everyone. 

just a question lev, why would you start a whole new thread for this...why not just put it in the one you already started against hillhoney? it seems to me that bringing all this up over and over is its own form of spam.

please stop, its not helping anyone...thats what this site is supose to do help.

Yeah... ya'll seen the new slogan for TNT? TNT We know Drama

Well... we are

AI- we know drama that causes trauma.