Steroid and pain killer injections. | Arthritis Information


Hi guys, I went to see my GP yesterday and I couldn't help but cry after my realisation of how bad my disabilities were (after my trip into the city to see another DR on Monday!)

My wonderful GP is always so understanding and gave me some tissues, totally empathised and could see I was in a lot of pain which she said the Orencia could have stirred up or otherwise the trip was too much for me into the city.  So she offered me a pain relief shot of Tramadol and told me to go home to bed and for the next 2 or 3 days to take my Endone and Tramadol to get on top of the pain.  Then she gave me a referral for an elbow and wrist steroid shot, which she has organised for Monday.  I am so lucky to have her.  She even told me I was a very precious patient as I left and made sure I have her mobile no. just in case!!!!

I must admit, I almost went to the hospital last night as the pain just would not give in, but in the end I turned my electric blanket on, wore my splints and wrapped heat packs around me, I managed to get to sleep thankfully.  So roll on Monday for the ultrasounds and shots.  Hopefully you all have a painfree weekend, love Janie. Oh, Janie, love. I am so glad you are venting. You are really doing it rough at the moment, girl.

I am so sorry. But glad you got some sleep and hope you survive the weekend well until the shot on Monday.

Doesn't heat help us with the pain. I went to a hydro pool on Monday with another RA friend and we sat in their for an hour or was like complete pain relief...wonderful.

Don't give up, my lovely. By chewing things off bit by bit I believe you will get through eventually but that is just so hard to see at times, I know.

Thank god for your great GP and your lovely family. You hang onto your blessings...counting them is always a good thing.

Take care, honey. 

Oh, Janie, I'm so sorry! Just try to get some rest over the week-end and hopefully the shots will help you get over the pain.

Your doc sounds like a real treasure! I'm so glad you have someone like her to listen to you. And to get you the help you need.

Take care, Sweetie. Rest easy, and let your family take care of you.

Be well!  Gentle hugs, Nini

Thanks Nini, you are always so encouraging, you have been a real sweetie always replying to my posts, sorry if I don't always reply, my brain fog has been overwhelming and small tasks seem too hard sometimes to even think about.  Hugs Janie.XX

Janie  I hope you get through the weekend and get some relief from the cortisone injections.   Do you have a hydro pool nearby, Cordy's suggestion of a good soak might be a good idea. 

I'm waiting for Friday to see my Rheumy and ask about cortisone shots in my feet.  They are really flaring right now.  My podiatrist told me to get arch supports but they hurt so much because of the swelling under the arch of my feet that I gave up on them.  My GP told me today that the swelling is definitely the RA and injections might help but he wasnt' sure how to get the shots to where they are needed  so I have to wait

Hope you get some relief soon

Thank God you have such a wonderful GP.  I'm sorry to hear that you have been in so much pain. :(  It's such an awful thing to not be able to sleep.  I hope you are feeling comfortable today and I'm sending you positive thoughts and prayers.