Klut-o-rooney | Arthritis Information


How many of you are a klutz? 

I have been told by hubby I am a klutz, but I just do not see it. I guess he sees me "accidentally" hurting a swelled joint as being a clutz. I just see it as "darn joint should not be so fickle."  I have to really concentrate when I'm with him. I think his mom worries a little cause she notices that I'm sort of clumsy and I trip over things (I'm really careful when I carry him). [QUOTE=joonie]

How many of you are a clutz? 

I have been told by hubby I am a clutz, but I just do not see it. I guess he sees me "accidentally" hurting a swelled joint as being a clutz. I just see it as "darn joint should not be so fickle."

Yeah... My daughter is more of a Klutz than I am, IMO. But I would think hubby thought it was a hard call

Well... now I do not feel alone in Klutz-land

 LOL @ Jas...hubby calls me Grace all the time! I keep myself knocked around and bruised all the time. I tell people he's abusing me.

Joonie my biggest problem is running into door facings and table corners. My legs and arms stay sore.

 Yea I think thats mostly my problem, judging distances. Stinks don't it?


Hope you are doing well, Darrel
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