OT - but not really - THINK! | Arthritis Information



http://www.amsterdamn.org/2007/04/22/internet/this-amazing-s hort-film-won-35-film-festival-awards-watch-it/


That was cool!  Where do you find this stuff????  Oh wait, did you google 'spin' LOL?Now I do not know whether I am weird or not but I found that to be one of the best little pieces I have come across.
Great is the word that springs to mind.

Thanks for the hook up.
That was VERY cool!!!!Way kewl g/f - one person can change everything.  C

Ripples in a pond.

I was just thinking that with all the kvetching going on here...



P.S.  Loved that guy's expressions.  He did so much with no words!

That was awesome!! Got any more? Hehe Brought to the top for the newbies~The new link for Spin is -
Thanks Pip! that was awesome!That was fun to watch!! Thanks!!There's no end to people's creativity and courage to go for it.  Love it.  LindyAmazing how easy they make everything look- but don't try this at home!Fun to watch but I certainly couldn't do any of those things.  Oddly - that top Amsterdam video was good - but this is the really cool one -

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