Where Oh Where Are You Tonight?? | Arthritis Information


Relief...why did you leave me here all alone? 

Sorry you feel so awful, Blessed. I wish I had something to help you out. Maybe call the dr and tell him/her that you need some relief. Do you have any pain meds? Maybe that would help. I think our bodies build up a tolerance to the meds and that's why they aren't as effective as before.

Hang in there, it will get better.

 My heart is with you! I know the agony of RA!  Probably it will takes you a few days to build up medication in your body and till then be very kind to yourself and rest alotOh, Blessed. I can feel how rotten you are feeling, darl.

These are the times we wish there was a magic wand to make it all go away. I am so sorry that you just have to hang in there for now but glad to see you venting, they are the moments we need too.

I hope it all settles down soon for you, sweetie. The pain can just wear one down to the last thread of tolerance.

Take care, Lisa. Cindee, thanks for your understanding. I asked for some pain meds last time my foot was hurting so bad and RD just seemed to blow me off. Called and said to increase my antiinflammatories (sp?) and if it did not get better I may need to see a foot doc for a spur or something.

Luda, your right it probably just needs time to get back in my system, I will take it easy...that's all I can do at this point. Blessed, good idea about the Water Program, I sometimes think those things are one of our best ways to manage this thing. Hope it's enjoyable too.

Thinking of you and sending you tons of positive energy. Where you're at can be such a nasty, dark place.

You take care now. Blessed, I'm sorry for all you're dealing with.  I hope the increased medication will kick in and make your pain stop, or at least lessen to a point you can tolerate.  Hugs.

I'll take some of the pain for you, Blessed.

I hope you get to feeling better real soon. The increase in your meds should knock Arthur right on his butt. Lots of hot baths, heating blankets and rest. It will get better!

I hope you begin to feel better very soon, Blessed!

It has to be awful to have to stop you meds and then start all over again.

Get lots of rest. I agree with Mrs. A... hot baths and heating pads can be soothing, at least for a while.

Gentle hugs, Nini

Cordi, thanks again for all your heart felt words of encouragement. Thank you Nini...it has been a bummer, but it could be a lot worse. I am thankful for the mobility and pain tolerance I have left. Thanks for replying...



Just know, the same thing has happened to me.  With the biologics and my pain pills.  Pain pills are supposed to be good to take a break from, but I took a one month break, which was hell and now that I am back on them, they do not work as well.

Give it time and then if you are not better, you need to make an appt. with your rd.  I am certain this will not be the first time she has heard a similar problem.

Good luck and God Bless.  I like your name as I feel Blessed.  Every time I think my life is going to fall apart, God intervenes.  I need to improve on letting Go, letting God and I am improving.  HUGZ

God feels your gratitude.

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