Do you Exercise? | Arthritis Information


If so what do you do?  I love to do the Leslie Sansome Walk videos, but my feet and toes bother me so much now that I can't do them...swimming isn't an option either, there isn't a pool close..what do you do exercise??

My only exercise right now is putting food to my

I hurt to much right now to even think about exercising. When I ever get back to the doc again for better meds, probably will start walking.

I walk, hike, bike (hard on the butt) and do yoga.  I also swim.  All seem to be ok if you pay attn.  I need to get a great big padded bike seat though. 

Yes.. I started exercising about 7 months ago after a terrible flare last year that left me so weak. I use a stationary bike twice a week for 20 minutes and split the time 10 minutes in the am and 10 minutes in the pm.(I worked my way up to 20 minutes a minute at a time) And started swimming couple of months ago twice a week. I am even starting to get nice muscles in my legs and arms.

I still have pain but I am so much STRONGER..I never thought exercise could feel so good! I thought exercise made arthritis worse but my doctor tells me that it helps to decrease the pain.I never seemed to have to time to exercise before this happened but now it will remain a part of my life.

I am 48 and female.I go to the gym and walk on the treadmill for 2 miles..if I feel better I'll tackle the weights. Then ofcourse the usual housework, taking care of the animals and yardwork...that's exercise hehe. Yes, my rheumy highly recommends it and is willing to dope me up if it means I can exercise.  All low impact of course, such as walking, swimming, biking and yoga.  Anything is better than nothing!Was housework in the list, cristene? I might do housework if it was listed.

"You can do it!"

as Tony Little would say!

Keeping moving is best. If you I sit too long I freeze up. Any motion is good for you.

I use the eliptical at the gym and do weight training.Haven't been to gym in 3 weeks due to feeling bad and girls being sick.I hope to start back's hard to keep it up when you feel bad but worth doing.i wish i could exercise, but with as bad as ive been feeling lately im worse off in the end.  wednesday i did some gardening.  Very little i hardly did much and i was exhusted and my hands hurt so bad.  Well maybe one day i can use that gym that im paying for each month

I have found that if I just get moving I feel better.  Even if it is just vacuming or mopping the floor....Otherwise I get really stiff and my back starts hurting in addition to the hands and feet.  Plus my attitude is improved on the days I get up and get moving.....

Being a Type A personality trapped in this RA body-I always tend to push a little more than I should...I just can't stand letting anyone or anything win without taking it to task.....LOL

[QUOTE=Sheila1366]I use the eliptical at the gym and do weight training.[/QUOTE]

I have trouble with the eliptical...not coordinated enough   The eliptical is a bit hard to get use to.You should have seen me the first few times I was on it.But you know,it doesn't hurt no where near as much as the tread mill, go figure. Sheila136638590.3536342593I heard that the eliptical is better on your joints...when I've tried it, I can only stay on for about 8 mintues..but the treadmill I  can handle for 40mins. I guess it's something you work up to on the eliptical? [QUOTE=jooniper]

Hey shelli!!

"You can do it!"

as Tony Little would say!


Oh, that guy is so annoying!!!

Says it every time!! Now that is just as annoying...LOL

Thanks for your input!!  I know I need to get started, but it sure is hard! I have a stationary bike...maybe I could start with a mile a day...think that should help???Yes house work and gardening are definitely exercise....I've been trying to psych myself up to exercise for a couple of weeks, but
everytime I think about it I need a nap! [QUOTE=jooniper]

Yeah, he is! Everytime hubby sees the gieco insurance commercial with him on it he says "I do not know how that guy is in as good of shape as he is, after having a broken back from being hit by a bus."

Says it every time!! Now that is just as annoying...LOL



Other days I am barely able to move, need that handicapped parking permit, and use the power scooter in  the stores..

I tend to NOT get down onto the floor too much, or the ground, since getting back up is  an issue, but then again with a 3 year old, I'm on the ground more often than I'd like.


I feel better if I'm doing SOMETHING.

I walk 30 minutes a day.  If I'm really fatigued or hurting, I don't.  I've missed 1 day in three weeks.   Pretty good for someone who hates exercise!

