Lyrica update | Arthritis Information


Just wanted to let you know that last night was the first night in a long time the I actually slept through the night. I couldnt believe it. I usually wake up about 3 to 4 times a night in pain!!! Oh I hope it's starting to work.



Sleep through the night???   If only.     I'm so happy for you because I know what it is like to not sleep.  I hope it continues to work and you get many more good nights.  If nothing else it will make you feel more human and better able to cope with the stresses this parasite RA dishes out during our waking hours.  I have a genetic pre-disposition to insomnia (grandmother, mother, me, daughter)  At the moment I'm doing about 4-5 hours a night, a few years ago I was doing around 2 but then got my restless legs straightened out.  This recent bout of insomnia has been since September, I thought it was the pred but I stopped about 3 weeks ago and I'm still not sleeping

Keep up the good sleepingThat's so great!  I hope it keeps working for you.


Thanks all I will keep you up to date in about a week to see if it still seems to be working.

Yes I have. She does seem to have relief. Im very hopeful I will feel the same.   


Good news is always a welcome message. Thank you for sharing yours!

Congratulations!  This is huge.  Being able to sleep will make everything better, no matter what else happens, or doesn't.  I sure do hope that you continue to get even more relief in the days to come.  I've read so many good things about this drug, I'm really tempted to ask the RD if I can substitute it for one of my RA drugs.  Lyrica has made the biggest difference in my life of any med I have ever taken except for prednisone of course.  I am working my way up to as high a dose as possible.  It has allowed me to walk with my head held high for the first time in about a year



Whooohoo!! Happy Dance everybody!!!  How wonderful for you!  I hope you continue to have great success!