humira reactions scabbing spots | Arthritis Information


can anyone tell me if they had the same reaction as i have .Im on the humira pen and have been for the  last 3 months ,but iv started to get little red spots that becme sore and a bit scabbed over ,they are appearing more frequently and appear any where on my body ,im seeing my reumy on thusday and dont really want to be taken off the drug because they seem to be helping my joints ..thanks

humira40fortnightly/methatrexate10mgweekly/folic acid

Sorry Allie - I get a sore spot where I get my shot.  No scabbing.

Last week was funny.  I got a new caretaker.  I was teaching her how to give my shot - same as yours.  I showed her how to take off both lids and check the window.  I then handed it to her and said we put it in here.  Next thing I knew, she stuck it in me, pulled it out again and was squirting me in the eye.  I said hurry, hurry, stick it back in.  So it when in another spot.  Who knows if I got anything out of that shot but I have learned not to hand anyone the shot, until the instructions are completely and totally understood

I'm sorry you're having some weird reactions with Humira. I know it must be frustrating! I don't think anyone here has had a reaction to the drug quite like what you are describing. I would go ahead and call your RD (or maybe the pharmacy?) You may have developed an allergic reaction to the drug. I hope that's not the case since you said it's helping with your RA pain.

I hope you get to feeling better soon. Have a superfantastic and comfortable day!
