Methotrexate time limit?? | Arthritis Information


Does anyone know if there is a time limit on how long you should stay on mtx? If it ends up working for my RA, will I have to stop it after so long and switch to something else?

No, I would not think so. Probably the only time you would have to switch would be if you had bad bloodwork caused by it or it was no longer helping you at the maximum dosage. At least that is my thoughts anyways.

I hope it works for you, Blessed. You need something to help those feeties of yours My sister-in-law has used MTX for 16 years. She hasn't had any significant side effects and her RA is very well controlled.

Lynni was on it for 18 years ata high dose with no problems

as long as it works for you and your blood work comes back ok then you can stay on it as long as you need to.

Those of you that have been on it for a long time, have you had to get a liver biopsy done since being on Mtx for as long as you have?

No liver biopsy for my sister-in-law. Her LFT's have always been fine. I've used MTX for 8 years and I have my bloodwork done every month. I haven't had any major issues.

LynnBeen on mtx for almost 16 liver biopsy.I have been on MTX for 17+ years and have not had a liver biopsy. I have had to drop a pill when my liver test comes back high, but it has always fixed it. That and a lot of water.