Poll - Dizziness/Vertigo/RA | Arthritis Information


Blessed is suddenly having spells of dizziness, and Stephen made a comment about suddenly having spells of the same, since he was DXed with RA. I'm wondering how many people have had this problem?


I've suffered from bouts of vertigo and dizziness for what seems like my whole life. The first time I can remember I was 7, and went on a carousel I shouldn't have gone on. I was sick for DAYS. From that day on, I've always had issues. I rode a ride at a carnival once, and ended up | | this close to riding in an ambulance. Joy. It took daily injections and pills for about 2 weeks to "right" me again. If I turn around too fast, I can trigger myself. When a medication says "may cause dizziness" I know I better get the puke bucket ready, and not plan on going anywhere. That is, until my system is used to the drug. My allergies also play a roll in my dizziness. When I get congested, it settles in my ears (I can freaking HEAR it) and I get dizziness.


Does anyone else suffer the same problems? Can you link it to something specific? Did you have these problems before RA? What has your doctor said about the spells?

I have dizziness but chalked it up to meds I am taking. Almost all of them say "may cause dizziness". When I back up my car and have to turn around and look while I do it, I get dizzy. Also, if I get up too fast (like that happens anymore LOL). Or go to spin around while walking.

My hubby jokes that I have always been dizzy. LOL

Before RA I used to clammer all over house frames.

RA gets me and the first drug I was put on was predislone..
Went back to work after a week and started to have dizzy spells and the sweats.
This was not good for climbing up ladders and the like.
Was put onto MTX and after a month or two, had a bout of vertigo.

Still have feelings of being off balance.

Twelve months down the track and I still get that feeling of walking sideways and have to constantly check my location.
If I take things slowly and methodically I am ok.

All as the doc has said (after brain scan (nothing showed up)) is, get used to it.
I have adjusted reasonably well to this but sometimes are worse than others, don't fly out of bed in the mornings, ease out, check balance, then bolt for the water hole.

No bad vertigo for 5 months, touch wood.
Bodak39418.9680902778I had this when I was small and it was due to infected sinuses that I had to get washed out in hosp, just an idea as I still seem to have the sinus probs at times due to the Dmards or biologics etc.  Have got them now definitely from Orencia and it is a side effect mentioned in their paperwork.  Hope you sort it out.  Regards Janie.

Where have you been!  I've missed you!

I've had dizziness and vertigo - but it's definitely from the Minocin and it went away.  I don't think I had any from before.

Barf Bucket - it's called a Barf Bucket.  We have a pink one!


Edited for tense.


haha well....I have always lost my footing even if I am standing still! I could just fall over sometimes! I never attributed it to my RA. Never really thought about it that much. But definitely YES I am off balance a lot.

Recently I have been very dizzy and having terrible head aches. I had one so bad last night that it woke me up. Just a throbbing pain behind my left eye. This happened before I got on the sulfa, so I don't think I can blame the drugs.

I don't have dizziness, but when I recently saw the ENT he focused on that a lot, asking and testing about dizziness.  Apparently it's pretty common with AI issues. 

Getting dizzy from rising too quickly is a classic sign of low blood pressure, but if it happens all other ways, as it seems to, it makes me wonder what else is going on with you.  Wish I could be more help.

I have suffered with tinitus for ever. I have found the following exacerbate my dizzy symptoms: 

Being premenstral

Having eaten lots of chocolate before being premenstral which makes me more hormonal and more likely to be dizzy.

Having a cold on the way and my sinuses filling up

Being tired

Occasionally my dizzy spells are so bad I cant move my head on the pillow, the GP will come and give me an injection, I cant remember the name of it but its the strong stuff they give you for sea sickness.

I dont feel the RA drugs have exacerbated my symptoms even though I seem to have had a permanent sinsus infection since September.

I too have had very sporadic bouts of sudden vertigo or lost of balance, for no reason, all my life.  Before, I just laughed it off, because everybody loses their balance, right?  I don't think that anymore.  It doesn't seem to get worse, just hits unexpectedly after long periods of time, then disappears again.  The ringing in my ears stopped with the start of MTX/Plaquenil regime.  I was going crazy listening to that squeal in ears all the time.  alright i looked it up. You have to be active and untreated to be tested properly. But as with anything they look at your history and symptoms. it can be primary or secoundary. As in RA or sjorgrens could be attacking something near the ears and you get a floater type hopefully somewhat less sever type of inner ear attack do not necessarily have to have hydrops or fluid in the inner ear to have this. Pulled that together from several different places.Wow, thank you Milly! This is DEF. something I'm talking to my PCP about. No one should have to walk through life never knowing if they're going to end up so dizzy their day (or week) is ruined!
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