Coming up with energy for . . . | Arthritis Information


It seems like when I get home from work all I have the energy for is curling up on the couch and staying put.  It doesn't matter whether my DH wants to rent a movie, go out to dinner, or do something more. . . er. . . exciting  I don't have the energy.  The weekends aren't much better since we have to go grocery shopping and go to the laundromat.  By the time I've done either one of those I'm so worn out I need a nap.

How do you save energy for your significant other?
Screw the seemingly "important" things. Seriously. Like cleaning. LOL And laundry. Etc etc etc. You really just learn to let things go sometimes. I know you can't NOT ever clean, etc. But sometimes it just has to be ignored. Or god, you'd have no life! Wait. . . people with RA can have a life at the same time???!!!!! :)  Trust me, we don't have enough clothes or food to last another day or I would. :)  


Mornings are a great time for me to get to be with my DH.  If I wake up and am feeling not so good...I do what Katie says and let something else (laundry, cleaning, anything more strenuous (sp?) than pushing the button on the remote control) go so that I have the energy to enjoy being with him when he gets home from work.  I also change my shirt (I am messy) and refresh any makeup I am wearing just before he is scheduled to be home.  It makes the coming home seem like an event and that always gives me a little boost of energy.

Good luck.


yea god made dirt so dirt dont hurt