Nuertontin?? And some others.... | Arthritis Information


Anyone have this help with joint pain?? I was given Lyrica 2wks ago, but within a week all it did was swell me up and give me a MASSIVE migraine (that took a week to get rid of!!)

Now I'm on Nuerontin. It's been almost a week, and I don't notice a difference...and I've lost weight instead of gaining (not complaining!!). But I don't think my pain is nerve pain.....since I have a lack of collagen, and my joints are super loose.

Supposed to start therapy in the water again (made things WORSE last time). This time it'll be warm water. Have to wait for next week though, as I can't take the kids, and DH's gone until next week. I had's hell trying to schedule it around two kids and finding a babysitter!! These Drs just think I have a bazillion people CHOMPING at the bit to watch my two hellions!! (when it's the opposite....several previous babysitter refuse to watch them anymore...since the two of them together are HELL)

But my question is, why do the nuerontin for pain, when it's BEEN established that this isn't nerve pain. In fact, my pain levels fluctuate along with the cold/hot weather now that it's "winter" here. I was useless yesterday, and knew why last night when DH was like "oh yeah, it's supposed to drop to 30 degrees tonight" (when it was 75 during the day!!!). Neurontin was a life saver for me, or at least, an arm-saver.  I was seriously thinking of getting my arm cut off if the relentless pain didn't stop.  But I think my problem was nerve pain.  I know many drugs are given off-label and neurontin is one of them (for seizures, I think).  Maybe it also has a history of helping for joint pain.  Have you looked it up on the internet?  It will give you a complete run down of what it's used for.  However, none of that matters if it's not helping you.  You've got a lot to handle, with kids and all.  I hope you find the answer you need quickly.  Hugs.