Enbrel - Enliven Services | Arthritis Information


For those of you on Enbrel, have you ever called the 1-800 number for their Enliven Services?

I had a couple of questions and gave them a ring and....

They're AWESOME!!!

The customer advocate I spoke with at first was able to mail me a travel container and sharps container which will be arriving in 7-10 days for free. And we all love FREE stuff!!

Then, I had a question about the injection burning so she transferred me to a nurse. A real nurse!! She gave me some helpful tips to make the injection more comfortable and just so you guys know, everyone who responded to me in the past about this concern was right on the money! Not that I didn't trust the info in any way; I was just wondering if there was anything else I could be doing.

Anyways, I was just wondering if anyone else had called Enliven. If you did, I hope you had the same positive experience. Hope everyone is having a superfantastic and comfortable day!!
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