Systemic Pred & Petecchiae | Arthritis Information


I've been on a low dose of Pred (4mg/d) for three weeks now.

Shortly after starting this drug, I began to notice a couple pinpoint petecchia (tiny, red blood dots at surface of skin) on my upper torso. Pretty soon, I had a few on my face and arms.  Now, I wake up each day with at least a couple more (that I can see anyway) here and there.

I know that pred can cause petecchiae but was wondering if anyone else here has experienced this.



I get them mostly on my legs and a few on my arms.  Mine are quite small like 1/16 to 1/8 diameter.  How big are yours?  I am going to show my Dr the 13th. 

I take Prednisone only when really flaring or days that I must do certain things which averages out to maybe once a week 2 to 3 mgs.

Take care

I can't answer your question, unfortunately, but I am in the same boat. I have been getting more and more on chest, body trunk, arms, lower legs. I meant to ask my Rheumie about it at my apt yesterday and completly forgot.  Sorry I can't help with an answer. I was just going to post a similar question


Mine are the same size as yours.  I also have some that are so small they look like tiny grains of dark red/brown sand.

I'm going to PCP tomorrow for monthly check up.  I'll let you both know what she has to say about this.


Katalina39420.6352314815After alot of research, I finally discovered that mine are a symptom of my scleroderma.  Not a good thing to have, but at least I knew what was happening. 